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- fashion icon

- tells you to not smoke because its bad for u

- you can get into big fights but it doesn't take long for you both to make it up

- buys you sweets

- he loves to take you to cafe's

- he teaches you abt life

- "hiphop is egg"

- "if you ever need someone to cheer u up, call me. being bubbly is your charm. being all quiet makes you so boring"–Giriboy

- shows up at ur house late at night to bring food bc u say you're hungry

- he doesn't raise his voice at you in fear of making you cry

- very supportive

- is open abt his friendship with you and likes to share moments in his SNS

- "giri: I'd date u tbh

you: then date me

giri: nah, i said i would, not i will"

- he always knows where to find you

- he gets this gut feeling when something isn't right with you

- he lets you play w his cheeks even tho its hurting him

- is the type to listen to your problems until you finish and then gives you short but useful advice

- "i know you're sad right now. wanna cuddle?"

- holds your hand when he's nervous

giriboy as your best friendWhere stories live. Discover now