The Weekend

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So Sam and I are going to be bored and worried all weekend because Riley is out of town with Derek. Wish I'd known this before he left. And last night after the game, Stiles told Sam that there was a murder. Looks like it was attacked by an animal. This is going to be one hell of a weekend. 


I didn't know what happened last night, but when I woke up, I was in a beautiful bed and Derek was nowhere to be seen. I got up and looked around for him. "Derek?" I said quietly. I walked into what must've been the living room, and there he was. sleeping on the couch. I walked over to him and put my hand on his face. That's when it happened again. I saw flashes of the Hale Fire and a kid with a girl in his arms under a tree. I jumped back and Derek woke up. "Riley, are you okay?" Derek asked as he got up and walked towards me. He sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Derek, sometimes when I have skin contact with someone, I see things." I told him. "Things like what?" He asked. "When I touched your face, I saw the fire. And I saw a kid holding a girl under a tree." I told him. He looked at me and got up and stormed out of the door. "Derek!" I yelled. He didn't come back. "What is his problem?" I asked myself. 


I haven't talked to my best friend in a few days. I should probably check on him. 

"Good Morning R." I sent him 

"Good Morning Ali." He replied. 

"How's your Saturday morning?" I asked him.

"Terrible. Decided to go on a trip with Derek and he left. Don't know where he is." He sent back. 

"What a dick. I like him." I said. 


Well since one of my shopping partners is out of town, I got stuck with Jackson, Allison, Scott, Sam and Anna. I honestly don't see what my sister does in Sam. They have been together for about a month or so. They were cute, but they were so boring. Today was going to be a drag. I need my best friend here. 


When I finally came back, Riley was in the living room still. He was asleep in the corner. I went to him and caressed his face. "Pequeno, wake up." I said gently. He rolled over and saw me. "Derek, you still have explaining to do." He said. I looked at him and hoped he wouldn't ask about her. "Derek, why did you mark me?" He asked. 


"I marked you because you seemed so terrified that night. I felt so bad because I've only seen one other person that scared before. Riley, you have to trust me. Please?" He said. I crawled over to him and hugged him tightly. "Derek, I'll always trust you." I said as I looked into his eyes. "Good, because tonight, I'm taking you out to dinner." He said. "You're doing what?" I asked him. "Tonight, we're going out to dinner. And if we have time, maybe even a movie." He said as he helped me up. When he pulled me up, we were face to face and he was holding me by my waist. "Thanks Mr. Fluffy." I said looking into his eyes. He flashed them blue and grinned. "No problem." He said as he put me down. He looked at the necklace i was wearing. "A pawprint? Is it supposed to be a joke of some kind?" Derek asked. "No, more like fate. Scott got this for me on the night of my birthday. The next night, we were bitten." I said as I touched the necklace. "Scott! I haven't talked to him since before the game." I said fanatically as I looked for my phone. 

"Scott." I sent him. 

"Why didn't you tell me you left with Derek? Are you okay? Where are you?" He replied back. God he was so overprotective. 

"It just happened. I'm fine Scott." I sent. 

"Riley, if he hurts you, I will be way worse than I was with Jackson." He said. 

"Scott, he's not that crazy or that stupid." I replied. "So last night. Scott, you were amazing. I'm proud of you." 

"Thanks Rye. I finally did it last night." He sent. I was so confused. 

"Did what?" I asked confused. 

"I kissed Allison." He sent. 

"WHAT? We're talking as soon I get home." I sent him. I put my phone down and felt his arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Derek." I said. "What are we going to do today?" "Anything you want to." He said. "So we can watch movies?" I asked. "Of course." He said as he went to the living room. I followed him into the living room and I sat on the couch. A few minutes passed by and Derek came back with pizza and peach lemonade. "For you Pequeno." He said as he handed it to me. "Thank you Derek." I said. He sat on the opposite end of the couch. I sat the food down on the floor and looked at him. "Derek?" I said. "Yes?" He asked. "Thank you for this." I said. "You're welcome." He said as he smiled. Derek and I watched movies like The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Hunger Games. Finally he looked at his phone and he stood up. "Time to go." He said. "You should probably change out of your pajamas Riley." He said. I laughed and walked into the bedroom. I found one of my fancy shirts I brought and my favorite pair of jeans. I gelled up my hair and walked to the door. Derek was outside of the house and he saw me when he turned around. "Wow. Nice." He said. "Thanks." I said. We headed to the restaurant and I heard Derek's heartbeat skip a few beats. I looked at him and put my hand on his. He smiled. Once we got to the restaurant, Derek opened the door for me. We walked in with our arms locked and looking happy as ever.


We walked in the restaurant and the hostess looked at me. She smiled and then looked at Riley. She had the grossest look on her face until I growled. "Derek Hale." I said. "Right this way." She said after she found my name. She led us to a table and we sat down. "So. That lacrosse game last night." I started trying to make conversation.


Being around Jackson after our fight was so weird. Everytime he looked at me I just wanted to punch him in the face. We ended up going to a movie after Lydia was done burning her cards up at every store. 

"What are you doing?" I sent to Riley, checking up on him. He didn't reply.

"Riley?" I sent another text. 

Great. My brother is stuck with him. And I'm stuck with Jackson. 


Derek and I had sat and talked and ate. There were times when I looked at him and smiled for no reason and then he did something goofy. I had fun with him. FInally we left the restaurant and I fell asleep in the car. He carried me to the bed and laid me down. He started leaving the room and I saw him walking away. "Derek." I said softly. He turned around. "I'm cold." I said. "Riley, you know that Danny, Sam, and Scott would flip if I laid in that bed with you." He said. I turned over and went back to sleep. 


You know you have a thing for him. Yeah it's weird because he's a guy, but when you're around him, it's different. I turned around and changed into my gym shorts. I took off my shirt and laid with him. He turned to face me and we were face to face. Like so close our noses were almost touching. I couldn't resist myself. I had to see if he was the one. So I kissed him. 


When Derek kissed me, it felt like explosions were going off on my lips. I couldn't push him away. It's like I was stuck.  

.... But what about Danny? 


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