The Greatest Fear of All

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Lloyd's p.o.v

Coming into Ninjago city, Kai slides off his dragon, Aquarius disappears. Wyvern sniffs around as screams sound. "If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Dad says.

I slide off, my beloved dragon disappearing as well. "We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone. Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people." I say as Kai's right arm turns human as does dad and Skylar's hands.

"In order for the transformation to become permanent, one must obtain the essence of a true Anacondrai." Kai tells us. We all look at hem.

"Chen and Clouse showed me the spell. That was before it was known I had light magic." Kai explains and we nod.

"We'll take you and Skylar to the Samurai X cave. From there, we'll figure something out." I say. We nod and head to the cave.

Once there, Echo greets us. Kai goes to the computer, his skin turns lighter. "How is Kai turning back to normal faster than the others." Tox said. I shake my head, Wyvern wraps around Kai.

Kai's p.o.v

I want the kids so bad but I fear they'll fear me. I snap my head to the left when I hear mom call out. She and mama (Misako) walk in with the triplets.

I hide but mom sees me. She comes, cupping my face. "Your still my handsome boy. Come, your children have been wanting you." I reluctly slither to the triplets. Damian and Leo reach up, I pick them up.

Victoria wines, I pick her up as well. The three nuzzle into me. I feel Leo trying to feed. I lay down, curling my tail to cover us and untie the shirt. Victoria is nudged by Damian and she latches on.

Lloyd's p.o.v

Seeing Kai curl up, I know what he's doing. "Care to..." Neuro gestures. "The kids Kai has with hem, their our triplets. Kai's a reproducing male and the three are a year old.

"The reason he's curled up is cause the triplets are feeding off of Kai." I explain.

"Well, Kai doesn't have to hide. We're all family." Shade says, the other masters nod. Kai's tail uncurls, he still has it around hem and the kids but their now seen.

Echo pulls up the computer, showing an image of Kryptarium Prison, Kai stays to care for the kids and we head for Kryptarium Prison.

Coming to the cell of Pythor, we ask hem to help. Dad picks Pythor up and some of his venom falls on his hand, turning it to Anacondrai.

The alarms blare, we try to get Pythor out but a cultists grabs hem. In the Samurai X cave, Kai had made a nest for the kids.

Noodle trucks begin heading for Ninjago, the masters head out. I follow a truck.

Kai's p.o.v

I follow a truck as well and end up in the mountains. I cast my mind, no one is in the truck. Turning, I sense one and head for it.

I come to Jamanakai Village, the fake Anacondrai are there as well. 'Everyone, to Jamanakai Village, now.' I cast my mind to the others.

Diving, I plan to hold them off. But, how long can I.

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