Chapter 2 | The Dreams in Your Veins

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Avis was more than thankful for Miguel's excitement for auditions during lunch, preventing him from noticing the anxiety that seemed to be bleeding out of her. It wasn't that she didn't trust Miguel, per se. She had trusted the boy ever since they became friends in middle school when he helped her and Gabrielle cheat on one of their art tests. It was just a hard thing to explain. How was she supposed to tell him that she wrote stories about everyone around her, including him, and she thought one of them came true? Easy, she couldn't. It was impossible to say anything like that without coming off as mental. Avis herself was still somewhat skeptical about the events of Gabrielle's return being exactly the same as her story, even though she had made herself read the last few paragraphs of it over and over again until her dad came home yesterday.

"I think Dante might get a lead part, again. He played Johnie really well in Roses & Riches," Miguel said, interrupting Avis's thoughts.

"Really? I think Kraig is more likely to get a lead part. Did you see how he played Reese?" Avis responded back with. Dante and Kraig, two of the top actors in the theater club that really shone in their production of Roses & Riches. Kraig had played the lead role of Reese, the homeless man who made origami roses. Dante had played Johnie, a side role who was a rich businessman determined to stop Reese's success.

"Kraig?" Miguel's eyebrows rose as he gave Avis a wild look. Avis gave a nod.

"Kraig," Miguel repeated, his expression giving off the vibe that he was waiting for Avis to say she was joking. She did not; She stayed silent. Miguel just about looked like he was ready to bang his head on the lunch table they were eating at alone but Avis could assume he thought twice about that since he decided to keep on talking instead.

"Kraig... is an asshole," Miguel said with a frown now planted on his face. Avis couldn't disagree with that. Maybe in Roses & Riches he played the part of a nice and humble man but in reality that role couldn't fit him any less. Avis had caught Kraig talking bad about actors behind their backs plenty of times and throwing hissy fits whenever something didn't go his way in an act. If it weren't for his incredible acting skill, Avis knew April would've kicked him out of the club a long time ago. But sadly that was not their reality. In reality, Kraig was an amazing actor who could bring any part to life and April would never get rid of that, especially since his skills had brought the club more popularity recently.

"Yeah I know that, of course. Everyone does. But you can't deny he's a really good actor. If you ignore his personality, he's a great part of the club," Avis decided on responding with causing Miguel to give her another perplexed look.

"Ignore his personality? Aves, we're gonna end up seeing him after school everyday soon enough once play practice starts up. You can't just ignore an ugly personality like that!"

"Just pretend he's a really nice person. Act like he means the opposite of whatever he says," Avis offered, only half-joking. She could probably make a good story with that concept, actually. A story where Kraig caught with a mysterious illness that makes him say the opposite of what he means. A story where Kraig is an amazingly nice person who's generous words get turned into insults, no matter how badly he would want to stop it.

"But he's not one," Miguel countered with. Avis nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, exactly. That's why you have to pretend he's nice," Avis said before adding on another sentence. "Reality is often disappointing," She spoke, her tone and expression turned serious, which she was... Serious that is. Reality was often disappointing, Kraig a prime example. It was a miracle that Avis was able to write about alternate realities with her stories so often. Albums had yet to write one about him, but writing a fanfiction about Kraig was becoming more and more tempting by the minute. God, so many possibilities she could have with using him as a character.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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