chapter 2 - rainy day

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Keiko's POV

"I finally found my room!" I said loudly as I jumped on my bed stretching my body a bit "it feels good to be alive!" I sais to myself as I looked out the window noticing some grey clouds "hm, guess it's gonna rain soon huh?" I said sitting up on my bed "hm, a cup of coffee would be nice" I said as I got up and went to go to the kitchen

Arriving at my destination I spotted Tsubaki and Azusa talking to each other in a different voice 'actors I presume' I thought passing by them quietly as to not disturb their little scene "Keiko!" Tsubaki said making me freeze in my tracks and look at them "oh you caught me~" I sang smiling at them "well you did just walk by us" Azusa said making me laugh a bit "alright alright I'm sorry, I just didn't want to intrude your little scene" I said scratching the back of my head

"well it's fine if you greet us a bit!" Tsubaki pouted coming up to me and hugged me from behind "eh~ I was just about to make coffee! Hey~!" I said struggling in the hug "Azusa~ help!!" I called out "alright Tsubaki, let her go we gotta finish this and my voice isn't fitting with this line right" He said making Tsubaki let go of mr and walk up to him "why is that?!" He asked as I smiled at Azusa making him smile in reply as I made my way to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for me and the twins as a sorry for butting in a bit

"It's done~" I mumbled as I smelled the sweet aroma of cafe lattes "ne Azusa, Tsubaki, I made you both coffee" I told them as they looked at me with a smile "so nice of you Keiko~" Tsubaki said coming in for another hug as I avoided him "ah-ah! Finish your lines and coffee and I'll get back to the hug by tomorrow!" I told him as he sulked a bit making me and Azusa laugh "I gotta go, I'm actually not supposed to goof around as I've got work myself" I told them as I carefullt rushed to my room with the coffee in my hands "bye Keiko!" I hear them yell as I made it to my room

"Finally, coffee and work, a perfect combination" I said as I sat down on desk putting aside my coffee and opened my booklet but paused when I caught a glimpse of pink hair outside the window making me look outisde "huh?" I said as I saw Wataru playing near the tree and not knowing it was about to rain making me stand up and look for an umbrella "where's my umbrella when you need it?!" I said outloud and eventually gave up as the clouds where coming in closer I decided to get a medium towel and rushed out of my room and to the elevator

"eh? Keiko?" Voices called out but I ignored them as I was worried for Wataru and rushed out of the elevator as I heard rain drops already "eh rain?!" Wataru said loudly "ne! Wataru!" I called out rushing to him and covering him with the towel "Keiko-onee chan!" He said as he held my hands above the towel "you... Rushed out here for me?!" He asked as I looked at him seriously "Wataru, next time look outside and be aware of your surroundings okay?" I lectured him

"The rain clouds can be seen from afar why didn't you go back inside?" I asked him as the rain got harder a bit "I was trying to get my usa-kun back! I accidentally threw him too high, and now he's stuck in the tree!" He said pointing "oh geez, fine get inside and I'll get him okay?" I told him "eh?! Are you sure? The rain's getting heavy onee-chan" He said worried "hey it's okay, I don't get sick!" I said smiling as he smiled as well "o-okay! I'll wait for you inside!" He said rushing to the entrance of the apartment building

I climbed up the tree with no complains "ah!" I said as I slipped my other hand "talk about karma for showing off" I scolded myself as I carefully climbed up more and got the bunny "finally! You caused me a lot of trouble little guy" I said talking to the bunny as I climbed down carefully "ah! Ouch!" I yelled in pain as my hand slipped and I cut my cheek on a branch "that hurts!" I said as tears formed a bit "I need to get down first" I said climbing down and ran to the entrance meeting Wataru

"Wataru why didn't you dry off?" I asked as I used the towel to dry him off "see, you're gonna get a c-...ACHOO!!" I sneezed a bit as I dried off Wataru more and stood up "come on, let's get you cleaned up insid- Achoo! Inside!" I sneezed again as we got into the elevator "onee-chan, are you okay?" He asked me as I nodded "of course Wataru, I even have your bunny here so it's all oka- Achoo!" I sneezed handing him the toy "nee chan!" He said hugging my legs making me smile "awh Wata-..watar-..Achoo!" I sneezed as we got to the floor

"Wataru! I was looking for you-...Keiko!" Masaomi said as I waved at him once the elevator doors opened, he probably was about to go outside as well "you're both soaking wet! And Keiko has a wound?! Do you have any idea how strong the rain is?" Masaomi asked him "it's not his fault Saomi-kun, he was trying to get his toy bac-...-I helped him so it-....Achoo! Is fine" I sneezed rubbing my nose

"oh no, you're gonna get a cold cause of that Keiko, go take a shower and come to the living room I'll patch that wound up for you" Masaomi ni said as I nodded "Wataru you too" I said as I slowly went to my room to take a shower, I sighed in delight as I felt the warm water hit my cold skin "I love this place" I said happily scrubbing and rinsing off the suds "I feel a bit be-....ACHOO" I sneezed loudly "oh no, please don't get a cold, please don't get a cold!!" I mumbled to myself as I went to the living room with my hair down

"Ne, Masao-...ACHOO!" I sneezed loudly rubbing my nose "that's a cute sneeze" A voice said making my heart stop 'of all people it had to be him in the living room?!' I thought as I felt myself getting colder and colder "yes hello Fuuto, is it a little cold in he-...Achoo! In here!" I said in between sneezes "no, if anything it should be warm cause of the heater" He said looking at me strangely "don't tell me the great Keiko has a cold" He said smirking making me shake my head "of course not, I just have a runny nose! That's all!" I told him as I sat down a dostance from him and sneezed a bit more "you know your hair is cute when you put it down" He said looking at my hair

"Geez Idol boy, didn't even include-...Achoo! Didn't even include my face!" I said sneezing in between "ugh! My nose is so itchy!" I said rubbing it with the towel in my hands as I tucked my hair behind my ear showing my wound "eh, you have a wound?" He asked coming closer "yeah, it's no big deal, Wataru's safe and happy that matters" I told him not noticing he was beside me now "look at me" He said taking my hand and putting his hand on my chin to make me face him

He observed the wound quietly and looked around the area then back at me and smirked "you're a brave girl aren't you?" He said drawing his face near "like I said, I like girls like that" He added as he was centimeters away from my face and his "not this again Fuuto, don't you have other topics to think of?" I told him annoyed at his topic "didn't you hear me? Girls like you interest me" He said licking the wound on my cheek and kissed it "excuse you?!" I asked pushing him away making him laugh

"You really are bold, I like that a lot" He said in between laughs I felt myself getting colder and colder as I sighed and stood up carefully "I better get back to my room" I said trying to walk but I felt my head throb "ah..." I gasped out "hm? Koko?" Fuuto asked "I'm fine-.." I said as another throb came but I began to fight it by trying to walk "you don't look-" I cut Fuuto off "I'm fine Fuuto!..I just need re-..Achoo!" I sneezed making my head throb more "'s...cold" I said as I felt my body collapse "Keiko?!" A couple of voices said as I blacked out

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