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Today is the day.
It's when the 4 year olds graduate and they go into real school.
IU and Suzy we're preparing the tables and the stage for their graduation.
Most of the girls were crying saying that they will miss the 3 year olds and especially Yeojin.
"Haha I still get to see Yeojin at home since we're siblings! :P" Haseul bragged.
"SHUT UP!!! I'LL MISS THIS LITTLE LENTIL BEAN!" Chuu said as she bear hugged Yeojin.
"AAACKKKK" Yeojin choked.
"Oh sorry Yeojin-ah.." Chuu apologized.
"I'll miss you guys too" Kimlip said to 2jin who was crying.
"Ugh now who is gonna pay attention to me when I talk about my roaches now." Choerry complained.
"Only Vivi unnie, Haseul unnie and Chuu unnie would pay attention to me!!! AND THEY'RE ALL LEAVING!!" Choerry cried.
"Don't cry because you're gonna make me cry too" Vivi said.
"I didn't really like your cockroaches , but I liked when you were happy talking about them" Chuu said to Choerry, also crying.
All of them were hugging eachother and crying their eyes out together while Jinsoul and Yves were just casually speaking to eachother.
"Hey, since were going to school, I'm scared I'm gonna be so stupid." Jinsoul said to Yves.
"Well good luck buddy" Yves said back.
"But i'm pretty sure all we do is coloring books or something." Yves said.
"Oh okay good because I was about to freak out." Jinsoul sighed.
"I'm finally a big girl now!!" Kimlip bragged.
"Um. you fell off the swings yesterday and you cried for an hour because your toe "broke"." Hyejoo told her.
"It was about.... 4 inches off the ground to be exact." Gowon said.
"NO IT WASN'T!!!!!" Kimlip yelled.
"Okay whatever you say Lip unnie." Gowon and Hyejoo said as they walked over to the chairs.
"Okay kids! Take your seats, their parents are coming." Suzy said.
The younger kids sat down in the front row while the parents were coming in.
The older ones were backstage with Suzy and IU.
"Okay so remember how we practiced earlier okay?"
"I give you a certificate and you say in the microphone what your favorite memory was, okay?" IU told them.
"Yes unnie!" they agreed.
IU and Suzy went on stage.
"Welcome parents!" IU said in the mic.
"We're glad that you're all here today and to see your child graduate from Loona Daycare." Suzy said.
The parents cheered.
"So we're going to start from oldest to youngest." IU said.
"Wong Vivi." IU said.
IU gives Vivi her certificate as Vivi walks up to the microphone.
"My favorite memory was whenever Yeojin fell on my lego tower. It hurt, but it was funny! 😊" Vivi said.
The parents clapped as it was the next person who was up.
"Ha Sooyoung." Suzy said.
Yves bowed and hit her head on the mic.
"SQUEAAKKKKKK" the mic made a noise and the crowd covered their ears.
"Aish... this kid." IU whispered under her breath.
"My favorite part of daycare was when I shot grapes out of my mouth like a machine gun!!😌" Yves said proudly.
IU and Suzy CLEARLY looked embarrassed.
The crowd clapped as well.
"Nae..." she cleared her throat.
"Jung Jinsoul." IU said.
"Oh my gosh it's me next!" Jinsoul whispered to Kimlip.
"GO ALREADY!" Kimlip shouted and pushed Jinsoul onto the stage causing her to fall, face first in front of everybody.
"HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" 2jin started laughing their heads off and fell off their chairs.
"Ow..." Jinsoul said, rubbing her head while waking up to IU to claim her certificate.
"My least favorite part was when Chuu peed on me😰" Jinsoul said.
Everyone started laughing and Jinsoul, IU and Suzy has never looked more embarrassed.
"Oh.. um my favorite part was whenever I got 2+2 right!" Jinsoul exclaimed.
"TOMATO UNNIE🍅!!" Yeojin screamed from the audience, as Jinsoul turned even more red, walking off the stage.
"If this isn't the worst graduation ever..." Suzy whispered to IU.
"Agreed." IU said back.
"Jo Haseul." Suzy said.
Haseul walked up the stage and claimed her certificate.
She walked up to the mic and was about to talk, but she was too short.
"My fav— um...." Haseul started.
She tried to pull the mic down but ended up falling off the stage!!
The crowd gasped and the closest parents helped her.
IU and Suzy flinched and Suzy went to help Haseul.
"Sorry for the inconvenience everybody." IU said.
"Kim Jeongeun." IU spoke.
Kimlip was catwalking on the stage and she flipped her hair.
Some people started laughing.
Kimlip got her certificate and when to the mic.
"Yes, I'm Kimlip and my favorite part of daycare was...."
She paused for a good few seconds.
"It was um....."
"Speak, child." IU told her.
"Oh yeah. 😎 It was whenever I was pooping on the floor. Because that was a great poop." Kimlip said and she did a mic drop.
"KIMLIP!" IU scolded.
"You're gonna get a really good punishment after this.." IU was getting annoyed and even more embarrassed.
She calmed herself down and said the last one.
"Kim Jiwoo." IU said.
Chuu was happily skipping on the stage and you could hear the crowd drop all their uwu's.
"Hi guys i'm chuu! My favorite part of daycare was playing with my classmates !! ☺️" Chuu said, cutely.
The crowd clapped as the ceremony was over. 
"Thank you guys for attending!" IU bowed.
The kids were all sad again since this was their last goodbyes to the younger ones.
"I'm really gonna miss you unnie." Hyunjin said to Vivi as they hugged.
"Where's Haseul unnie? Is she okay? Choerry asked.
"Don't worry guys Haseul is okay.😄" Suzy said as she  came back, holding Haseul's hand.
They all did a group hug at the end and took some group photos too, trying to hold back tears.
"I'll miss you too guys. You know were all best friends no matter what."

Thank you all for reading Loona Daycare! I really hope you guys enjoyed it!!! ☺️☺️

Thank you all for reading Loona Daycare! I really hope you guys enjoyed it!!! ☺️☺️

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