Prologue: A Witch's Lore

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Eons ago, the Earth's affinity for magic was sealed. The divine deities deemed it better for their progress to withhold the magic the planet once showed. But losing magic, people turned to their creativity and invention. This is what led to the earth's rebellion.  

It was around 2000 years after the death of a demigod that the Earth had enough. It gradually started preparations to cleanse itself of its living inhabitants. From large sink holes to powerful earthquakes and terrible volcanic erruptions. One would think that half of nature's elements wreaking havoc would make the inhabitants careful, all thats left are cyclones and tsunamis.

But as destiny would have it, the inhabitants of Earth continued there vile poluting ways, that nature has to stand its ground. The proceeding years, the civilizations were either flooded or blown away. What remained were desolated places and ruins of what were once glorious domains.

Now, the planet has released its primal elements to cleanse the earth, that was has been broken and magic once again roamed the earth. The raw and primal elements embodied physical forms. Fire took the form of a great bird with talons that can slash through mountains with its heat, a beast covered in thick feathers burn any mortal weapons. They called it Hellfire, for its appearance was terrifying as the flames it spewed would melt anything it touches. The next was a lovely Siren, she had a face close to humans', charming and mischievous, with long silky black hair and a curvy body that would make anyone sway. Connected to that is a long fish tail, don't be fooled by the seductive guise, for her scales are almost as strong as Hellfire, but her most terrying feat is her voice. The voice that is able to drive whoever hears them mad, and if they survive that, she can still command the waters to drown and shred her victims at her will. For nature itself there is the Stag, every step on his mother would bloom plant life. He could command the earth to rumble and shake and swallow up those who defy nature. His horns big, long, and powerful; adorned with diverse flowers. Though as powerful as he is, he is gentle and forgiving to those that treasure nature, which made him the least danger to the humans among the four. Lastly is the cold hearted Tempest. The humans usually called her a wyvern, for wherever she is, she brings about storms and disaster. Surviving the bolts of lightning striking the land is a feat, better be sure you are able to warm yourself up, because her very presence and breathe drops an entire region below freezing point.

Those four primal elements wreaked havoc upon the earth, millions and millions of people have suffered and lost their lives to stop this cleansing. But their planet has had enough of getting caught in the middle of their self destructive ways.

Their were heroes of course, to end the reign of terror the elements have been causing for decades. It was really remarkable how humans survived for years under the elements' chaos.

The hero that faced hellfire was a woman brought up from the dessert and was used to the heat, though being burned by fire was different, still she was able to approuch Hellfire enough to battle and defeat him. The next one was a man that overcame the Siren's song, mostly for the part that he also likes other men, as well as he was able to outwit the tempress. The Stag wasn't that difficult to stop, he wasn't doing much damage but moreso only protecting nature if it was maltreated. And so a woman made a peace treaty with it and helped defend nature. Not as heoric as the three, but still very important to do so. Last was a man who was able to withstand the cold and seal Tempest. These victories weren't all gifted by the divine deities for finally having mercy on humans and help them survive. But in fact some were given and helped by the ones they call the darker forces. Those of old and dreaded powers that have been hiding in the shadows of existence, reaching out to those who dare seek it.

With the four beasts sealed, mostly the three, humans began to establish civilizatons once more. This time around, magic was not sealed away but was used for greater prosperity. As well as the divine deities that over saw this victory, they inhabited humans to do their will and bidding as rulers of the four civilizations that housed the four elements. A fifth one was made, but this was solely made by humans and outcasts that didn't believe or want to believe in the deities. They still believed in science and progress alone.

Though peace have reigned for decades after that catastrophic event. It was bound to be shaken once more. As someone who lived longer than centuries of cycles, history repeats itself, it just adapts to the new looks of the period, but the same case repeats over and over again. Each repeats, bring out the worse in this planets inhabitants.

Now that the creatures, like nature, will be unchained. It is now up to the planet's inhabitants to save it once more.

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