Chapter 8

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Derek's POV

Alisha and Blake went to the mall for the day, so it gave me enough time to track down where this Maddy girl is.

Amy, John, Tracy and I were all getting ready to give Maddy a little 'scare'. We all got into the car and drove to the park. We got there and saw Maddy with some guy laughing together. Amy and Tracy got out to go tell Maddy where she should go.


Amy's POV

Tracy and I walked up to Maddy and the boy. "Hi, are you Maddy Ray?", I asked in a sweet voice. "Yes that's me, who's asking?", she replied. "Oh that's good we were sent here to ask if you would like to do a photo shoot for us, if not then it will be fine we can ask someone else here", Tracy said. We looked at Maddy to see what her reaction was. "No, I'll do it, sorry Jack, I'll talk to you later", she said to the guy.

Tracy and I looked at each with smirks on our faces. "Good, let's get going then, its just a walking distance". We started walking towards the ally where we were suppose to meet John and Derek at. I could see that Tracy was getting frustrated cause Maddy wouldn't shut up about how excited she was about the photo shoot.

We finally got to the ally where I saw Derek and John waiting. "Uhm where are we, I thought we were going to the photo shoot", Maddy said. "Oh no honey, we hear to discuss a matter with you", Tracy said.


Derek's POV

We saw them walking towards us with a scared looking Maddy. "Leave me alone, I did nothing, what is your problem!?", she screamed. She kept rambling about us letting her go, until I got sick and tired of her talking. "Shut the f*** up you stupid b*tch!", I screamed. She finally shut her big mouth, thank goodness.

"Now tell me, do you know who I am?", I asked her. "N-no", she stuttered. "No who?". "N-n-no sir". "Good girl, well let me tell you who I am, I am the father of Alisha Grey, my name is Derek Grey, now before you even think of telling the police about this I will ruin your life", I said to her.

The others just stood there watching the scene unfold in front of them. "Listen to me carefully cause I'm only going to repeat this once, you Maddy Ray will leave Alisha and Blake alone, cause I don't have time for your bullsh*t, I want you to leave them and their friends alone. If my little girl ever tells me you did something to her, I will kill you and your family, understand?", I said to her. After waiting for a few minutes, I didn't get her reply yet, so I started getting upset. "I said do you understand!", I said loudly. "Y-yes sir", Maddy said crying now. "Good, you may leave now", I said.

When she didn't move yet, I looked at her silently asking her with my eyes if she's going or not. She looked at me and ran off crying like a baby.

"Wow boss, to be honest if I was in her shoes I would be balling my eyes out while laying on the ground", John said with amusement. We all started laughing at how ridiculous he sounded now.

We started walking back to the car talking about how we will get the plan in action.

After a while of driving around, John suggest we all head to the mall.

When we got there, we all got out the car and went inside. We walked around looking at everything when our wives decided to go on their own and shop. "So John, why exactly did we have to come to the mall?", I asked him. "I don't know Derek, I just have this feeling something bad will happen here, it might involve Alisha and her friends that came here today", John said. I just looked at him and nodded.

After walking and talking we spotted Alisha, Blake and their friends at a pizza shop. Alisha was laughing at something Blake said, while the rest of the group was talking with each other.

I texted Amy saying that we would be at a pizza place if they are looking for us. John and I walked over to their table. I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me. "Daddy!", my little pumpkin squealed. "Hi pumpkin", I said giving her a huge smile. She hugged me and sat back down next to Blake.

"Everyone this is my dad and Mr Adams", Ali introduced us to her friends. " Mr Adams and dad, this is Sofia, Hunter, Kimmy and Drake", she said pointing to each one of them. I gave them a small nod which they returned with a small hi. I was about to say something when  my phone started ringing. "Sorry about this, just give me a minute", I said to everyone. They all started talking again.

I took my phone out and saw Amy calling me. "Babe, I need you to find Alisha and get out of the mall as fast as you can, Tracy and I are almost at the pizza place", Amy said sounding out of breath. "Amy, honey what's wrong?", I asked already walking back to the table. I gave a look to John which meant he had to get them out of there as quick as he can. "There's men in all black that has a tattoo of our rival gang, I heard one of them talking about Alisha, so please get her out of there, we will meet you at the car", Amy said and hung up.

When I turned around again, I saw that only John was there. "What happened?", John asked. "The Foxes are looking for Alisha, we need to get them home safe, Amy said that they will meet us at the car", I said already walking back to the car. Once John and I got to the parking lot, we didn't see Alisha's car in the parking lot anywhere, meaning she must have gone home. John and I walked to the car to see that Tracy and Amy is already there waiting for us.

We all got in and headed home. For the whole car ride home none of us spoke.

Amy and I got out, thanked, Tracy and John for driving us home and they should have a safe drive back home.

We walked into the house and could hear Alisha and Blake laughing about something. I smiled at the thought of her being happy.

No one and I mean no one will hurt my little girl while I'm still alive.


Thanks for reading

Love you all



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