Chapter Fourteen: Song Practice

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Your pov

     I woke up way too early. Three in the morning to be exact. 'Five hours is good enough.' I thought tiredly.

     I sat up on my bed and looked at the cats sleeping soundly in each other's arms. I smiled and decided not to wake them. The bed creaked as I got up. I quietly changed into loose shorts and a tank top. Before I start with the dance moves, I'll work out and listen to the songs.
     I opened the door to our large, in home gym. I put my headphones in and put the playlist of needed songs and began working out.

     By the time I finished, I was exhausted. I checked the time on my phone to see it was 6:37. 'I've been working out for three hours with the same songs on repeat, and yet I couldn't memorize half of them.' I was disappointed in myself because I knew I could do better.

     I pushed that aside and began to make some food.

     After I ate my fill, I entered the studio. It was seven, so no one would be up right now. I then practiced singing the songs I memorized.

     I got about three songs memorized before I began messing up the lyrics. I growled in frustration before practicing the moves to the songs I already could remember. I sang as I danced with the music in the background. I had to admit it was fun, but it was exhausting.
     Matt, Bryan's little brother, made it easy for me since he was still young. I didn't need to send a video of the dance moves, which means I could focus on the other ones. While Cassie was younger than Damien and Kushi, she was still old enough to sing and dance with me. Luckily, she choose a very short song; it was barely over a minute.
I sent the video to Jess.

Me: *video attachment sent*
Me: that's for Cassie

     I then put my phone away and went to wake up the cats. It was nine already. I shook the cats. "Come on. Get up. If you want to perform with me, we have to work on it now."

     They shifted slightly before groggily woke up. "It's too early, miss." He yawned as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"A little while longer." Damien sighed tiredly as he curled closer to Kushi.

"I made food." I sighed.

     They all leapt out of the bed. "Food!" They rushed to the kitchen.

     I was about to leave before my phone rang. A cute sound with cat meows played as the screen said, 'Kitties need you, hero!' Of course dad would set it up like that. I sighed before going to the cat room.
     I entered the room to see all of the strays staring at me. "What?" I hissed.

"Food." He simply stated and motioned to the food bowl.

     I sighed before going into the closet and lifting the large bag easily. I set the bag down and poured the food using a small cup. I then left to put water in as well. I put the bag back in the cabinet. I stood there and waited for them to finish.
     Once they were done, they all turned to me. "I kept up my end of the bargain. Now you keep up yours." I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, yeah. A deal's a deal." He then turned to go out of the open window. "I'll kept it up as long as you do."

     I nodded and watched them all leave. I grabbed the bowls and took them to wash. I set them down on the counter and prepared to clean them.

When Cats Play With Explosions {Bakugou Katsuki X Neko!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now