basically it's zak see something in the forest he go in and see this weird figure he thought it was a animal but it was a boy with weird things on he head. zak though he was really cute. But his older brother like he to who will it be in zak hell li...
zak woke up feeling weird but ok. He clean up and came out the room werewolf boy hugged he. He said are you ok zak. Zak said yes I just need sleep. Ok come you human mom said dinner what's dinner. Zak said will dinner is food but before bed or you eat dinner at night.
DARRYL- zak get down here dinner.
Coming. Come on Vincent.
DARRYL- come here Vincent I need to talk to you
DARRYL- don't hang out with zak to much
DARRYL- bc he going to try and kiss you
Close your eyes ok
Vincent closed his eyes and than he feels something on his lips Darryl was kissing him. Vincent didn't know what to do. But he did not like it he ran to zak. Zak said what happened you brother kiss me. Zak got mad but zak didn't know why he got mad but we all know he liked Vincent. Zak goes to his mom and says mom Darryl kissed Vincent. She was shocked she said ok I will talk to him. Zak said ok.
Time skip zak POV
I was listening to music with Vincent.
Darryl comes in and said why would you tell you bit**. I'm sorry Darryl. Vincent go outside please. Vincent said ok. Darryl closed the door and was hitting me and hurting me I was crying. Darryl left Vincent walks in and see zak he goes to zak he gets on the bed hugging him tightly and Whispering it's okay I'm here now. they both went to sleep and Zak calm down.
Time skip
Darryl walks in and sees zak and Vincent sleeping in the same bed hugging each other.
Darryl POV
I was shocked I left the room I feel so bad putting all my pain on zak. I going to wake zak up and say sorry. My mom talked to me and I cried bc I came out that day as bi. Zak wake up zak. He woke up I said I'm so sorry zak please don't hate me. He forgives me and hugged me and went back to sleep with Vincent. They are really cute together. I dont like Vincent no more his just a friend now. They wake up we played minecraft together and took a picture
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