Chapter One

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Btw..there is a small age gap between Izumi and Katsuki witch will be 2 years of an age gap! If it triggers you please do not read!

Please don't correct me on my story, I know I mixed things up but please! I'm sorry if it might be messed up!


"Izumi!! I'm so glad to see you!" An old voice said, slowly walking up to the car that the green hair girl just walked out of.

"Nana!" Izumi put her bags down and run up to her grandma hugging the chubby old lady.

The lady pulled Izumi away looking her up and down.

"Oh my! You've gotten much bigger! I remember when you were just a small stick but now! You have the whole package!" Izumi blushed at her comment before stuttering a small 'Thank you'.

"Now! Let's go inside your grandfather wants to see you!"

Izumi nodded turning back around to grab her bags before entering the house.

Once she entered the house she was met with a cane on her bum.

"OW! Papa!?"

"'s you.."

Izumi tilted her head in confusion 'What does he mean by that!?'

Suddenly the man bursts out in laughter.

"I'm just playing with your kiddo! Now come hug your old man!"

Izumi's grandfather stood at least 6 feet towering over the girl with slick back green hair and green eyes.

He pulled Izumi into a bear hug squeeze the living life out of her. "Baby! You gonna kill her!" Grandma said, pulling onto her husband's arm.

He sighed and let the girl go as she cashed after her breath.

"Oh wow- you've gotten much bigger since the last time we've seen you!" He said, also looking the girl up and down.

"I said the same thing! I mean she uses to be a little stick but now! She has everything a model would have!"

Izumi blushed and said a small 'thanks'.

"Anyways! You can go unpack in your old room"

Izumi gave her grandparents another hug before going upstairs and into her old bedroom, she had ever sensed she was a small child.

Izumi sighed and put her bags down before plopping onto her princess theme bed set that had to get change...quickly.

After a while, a knock was made on her door.




"Come in!"

The door was slowly pushed opened showing her grandmother the fancy/expensive dress that came all the way down to her feet.

"Wow! You look 10 years younger!"

"Heh..I'll take that as for a compliment.."

The old woman's face started to become a sad expression witch Izumi thought she hurt her feelings so quickly apologize.

"I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to offend you in anyway Grandma! Your beautiful just the way you are I wasn't judging you or anything! I-"


Tears formed from the corner of her eyes she hated when she hurried someone's feeling or made them mad or sad.

"It's just- I and your grandfather have to go out of the country for a bit and you just got here and it not fair..they just called up over for a contract that will help us a lot! But when we come back we'll be sure to spend so much time with you I promise and-"

"Ma! It's fine I'm eighteen! I can take care of myself you don't have to feel bad!"

Her grandma had streams of tears going down on her face as she pulled Izumi into a hug.

"Thank you.."

"Of course nana.."

After the two left Izumi did some things around the house cleaning, eating, gaming, and talking to some friends back in her hometown.

9:00 pm...

Izumi was in the bathroom taking a hot bath soon getting out entering her room picking up her phone to see she got a message from her friends but she stopped at her grandfather's and opened his text.


Papa🤦🏻‍♂️- Someone will be coming over to watch you be on your best behavior there number 1 for doing what they do.

Izuku🥦- Pa! I don't need a babysitter! I'm 18?!

Papa🤦🏻‍♂️- Izu Listen wine and your grandma have things going on..and it not good so it's good for someone to come in a help you..!

Izuku🥦- Paa! Please you can't be in that much trouble! I don't need to be babysat!

Papa🤦🏻‍♂️- Izumi you will have one end of convo okay?!

Izuku🥦- PAAAA!

Papa🤦🏻‍♂️- No! I'm doing what's best for you! You can get hurt they have mafias, gangs, and criminals out here! Like it or love it...Luv ya.

Izuku🥦- ............

Love you too... an oldie


Izumi hurried and put her phone down giggling as she got a bunch more text messages from her grandfather going off on her and talking about her back.

Once Izumi was starting to get tired she went under her covers letting only one thing swim in her mind as it went black...

A Babysitter or a Bodyguard


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