My dad stared at me with wide eyes, trying to maintain composure whilst being the centre of attention. It probably would have helped if he hadn't just screamed my name across the café. There was no way that I was going to live this down- especially when it happened in the heat of the mayoral election.
He wanted the picture perfect family and I was clearly messing with that image. "Why would you cause such a scene, Sebastian?"
"I don't know Dad. I guess I've got a lot on my plate." I shrugged, glancing over my shoulder at Henry, Vick and Violet. "Pressure just got to me..."
"You and me both son. I shouldn't have shouted." Dad smiled and waved at some families and a passerby who recognised him. "You promised me and your mother that you wouldn't draw any negative attention to us."
"Hold on. What about Mom? She was the one caught red handed!"
"Get in the car. Thank you..." Dad climbed into the back after me and sighed, tightening his tie. "We have a big name to uphold and I need no hiccups. Your sisters have given me their word that there will be no arguing."
I coughed in surprise. "Rosalie and Elle promised you that? I hope you have a refund on your money there. Those two fight worse than Uncle Chuck and Aunt Blair."
Dad playfully tapped the back of my head. "That's family you're talking about. Now there is an event on tomorrow, the organisers have asked me to do a speech. I want you to be there. Elle, Rosalie and your mom are going to be there too, but you are even more important to me so I need you there."
"Oh. I can't, I promised I'd go out for dinner with-" I had to stop myself from saying Emma and fumbled to say another name. "Vick."
"Vick? As in Victoria Humphrey?"
"Yes Dad- me and her... we're kind of a thing? Ish?"
Dad looked suddenly really uncomfortable by the sudden revelation. "I don't think you two make a good pair..."
"Why? Because of the fact that you and her mom had a history? It's come up in conversation. We're just seeing how things go. I don't know how I feel alright?" I couldn't even believe what I was saying, let alone think that Dad would believe it either.
"Who was the other girl with you? She seems nice."
"Oh her? That's Violet Avery. I think she's new in town. Friend of a friend, but there's something going on with Henry there so I thought I'd let him have this one."
"You should put those Archibald blues to good use, Sebastian." Dad smiled before stepping out of the car and up the steps to the house.
There was a couple of reporters nearby who hastily threw themselves at him in an attempt to get an update on the election.
"Well I'm sure the people of New York will know exactly who to put their trust in. Now, if you don't mind, I've got a family dinner to go to." Dad grinned, putting his hand on my shoulder and guiding me inside though the now open front door.
"Honey? The photographer is here to take some photos for your campaign!" Mom called through the house. "There's a fresh suit upstairs for you and Ava is here to go over some campaign notes!" She came striding into view wearing an elegant dress with a wafting skirt and flowing transparent silk sleeves. For a moment, she registered the disappointment in Dad's face. "Sebastian, there's some clothes I want you to change into for a couple of photos the photographer thinks will provide a new angle for the campaign. Upstairs now please."
As I passed the stairs, heading up to my room, I could see Rosalie and Elle wearing similar coloured dresses to Mom with their hair all curled and twirled. Dad's campaign manager Ava was fluffing a makeup brush over their cheeks and nose. Ava was a close friend of Dad's who stepped up once he announced his candidacy. She had long black hair that was dead straight and big brown eyes. If she were my age, I'd be tempted. Mom tried to shoo her politely away from the twins, saying they didn't need the makeup.

Here Lies Jane Doe
Novela Juvenilhey Upper East Siders - time flies when you're having fun, but not for the Baby Waldorfs and Van Der Woodsens of the world, because there's a new Gossip Girl on the block, me. Jane Doe. Their secrets aren't safe anymore. Know my name, keep the secre...