Chp. 14- Thanatos

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Chp. 14- Thanatos
Percy POV

With only three days left- well two now- I've decided to spend as much time with everyone as possible. When not organizing a war, finding the spy and everything.

Still haven't found the spy. It's driving me crazy.

Who would want to kill us all? And what do they get in return?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and try to focus on my current mini mission. Everyone broke for lunch so it's perfect time. I head back toward my cabin and then teleport myself to a place I've only been once before. I close my eyes hoping this will work.

When I open them I stand on a beach. Clear blue waves crash against the shore. A huge garden stretches across. It looks like paradise. I smile to myself before heading inland toward where I know the cave will be.

I hurry up the side when I hear humming coming from a garden. I turn and see a girl with long cinanmon brown hair kneeling in dirt.

"Calypso!" I call. She freezes and turns to face me. A mix of confusion and anger spread on her face when she sees me.

"And I had thought the Fates were cruel before!" She yells standing. She places her hands on her hips and glares at me. "And how are you even here?"

"Nice to see you too. And, the Fates can be okay, but as for your question... I wanted to come so here I am."

"And I had thought the last one was stupid," She says shaking her head. She walks past me out the garden and up toward the cave.

"Hey! Leo has his moments. But he is a good guy." That stops her. She doesn't face me but she speaks.

"He made it back alright?"

"How about you ask him yourself?" She whirls around and stares me in the eye.

"Don't mock me, Perseus."

"I'm not," I say quickly defending myself. "After the war I made a wish that they would free you. They didn't obviously but you shouldn't be bound here anymore. I can take you off this island. And... Bring you to Leo."

Her expression immeaditely softens. "Y-you can do that?"

"When your a god that is leading a war you can do a lot of things." She looks confused but she looks me over as if detecting any lies. Finding none she smiles. She turns around and hurries into the cave calling the invisible spirits as she does to pack her things.

How disgustingly adorable, a Tartrus's voice says sarcastically.

I ignore him and wait for Calypso.

About five minutes later she stands ready with a ton of trunks and bags. I give her look and she just glared in return as if daring me to say something.

I don't and quickly teleport the bags and trunks elsewhere. I then turn to Calypso. She looks nervous and I grab her hand.

Half a second later we arrive in the clutter and junk that is Bunker 9.

"Leo!" I yell. "Leo!"

"What Lord Perce!? I'm trying to rig up a new cannon!" A voice yells back.

"Stop calling me that! Come here!"


A crash later a grumbling grease covered Leo appears. He is clearly annoyed being pulled away from his work. "You know I have to-" Leo cuts himself off midsentence to look at who stands next to me.


"Leo!" She says happily going to give the greasy boy a hug and kiss. He just stands there open mouthed.


I only give him a lopsided smile in return.

Calypso relases him to come and give me a quick friendly hug. "Thank you."

"If in anyone asks how you were freed, tell them I brought you here to help in the war. No one will argue."

She gives me another quick hug and then walks back over to Leo. I say nothing else and turn to leave.

"You need more fireproof clothes."

Two Days Later

For the first time probably ever the throne room is comepletely silent. We all sit on our thrones stuck in our own thoughts. No one says a word. The war is starting too soon.

We had trained harder than every before. We spilt the demigods up at each post. We stationed the Avengers to help move mortals out of harms way. We were going to have Morpheus put them to sleep but we ran into a road block. Two to be exact.

Yesterday we had spoken to Morpheus. He didn't want to fight at all. Hypnos is his father and he chose not fight since Nyx and Erebus are his parents. Morpheus followed suit.

Then came the second big problem. Thanatos the God of Peaceful Death, Reaper of Souls and Lieutenant of Hades. A son of Nyx of Erebus. Both Hades and I had spoken to him but it is still unsure of where his loyalties lie. I saved him from chains but, his mother could have offered him power. If he is on their side...

I don't even want to dwell on that horrifying thought.

Instead I listen to the cold silence and watch the time tick by.

A cry of alarm pulls me to reality. I make eye contact with the Olympians who nod and disappear off to their stations. I take a breath before appearing at Camp Jupiter. Demigods scramble into formation.

Reyna stands calling orders. Jason and Frank are woking together to organize the rest. Hazel helps them. I head over.

"What are you doing here?" Hazel asks confused. "I assumed you'd be in New York."

"That's why I'm here," I state. "I'll go back and forth. I'm starting here."

"Good. We can use a secret weapon," Reyna says with an approving nod.

"We'll do our thing you do your strange Greek God thing and kick some ass," Jason says with a forced smile. I can tell his mind is focused on Piper. But it's better he fights where he has more experience. Piper is at Camp Demigod fighting despite his protests.

"What strange Greek God thing?" I ask innocently. They roll their eyes in return.

"Excuse me, idiots I have troops to organize," Reyna says stalking away her purple cape swishing behind her. Jason rolls his eyes and follows. Frank is about to when I stop him.

"We could use a birds eye view of what we are facing." He nods once before an eagle shoots into the sky.

Hazel and I stare at the sky waiting a few moments until he returns.

"It's a big army," He says frowning.

"We can beat them," I promise.

"But that's not the biggest problem. It's who is leading it."

"Who?" Hazel asks.

"Our old friend Thanatos."

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