Harry: They came at the worst possible times. One minute you and Harry would be having a small make out session on the couch, the next you would be in a fit of tears because of something that could of happened when you were a kid. Harry was very understanding though and took them as they came.
Liam: There was always one commercial that got to you. When it came on the screen, your eyes would automatically well up. Liam couldn't help but have a chuckle at you as he gently rubbed your arms, reminding you that it wasn't real and cautioning you to stay away from it for a while.
Niall: You would get frustrated at the smallest things. If one piece of hair fell out of your ponytail, frustration overwhelmed you. If you spilled some water, more frustration. You knew Niall thought it was funny, but he tried so hard to stay serious, just so you wouldn't become more agitated.
Zayn: One minute you would be upset, the next you would be all upbeat and bubbly. Zayn knew he would have to deal with mood swings, but he didn't really think of the extent. Needles to say, he enjoyed your bubbly side quite a bit, smiling widely as you grinned uncontrollably.
Louis: He found them quite exhausting, and he couldn't even imagine what it was like for you. You could go from crying to happy in seconds and remain happy for the rest of the day. It was as if your mind was on an emotional schedule, the same thing everyday. Hopefully this wouldn't last long.