𝐭𝐞𝐧. just another charity gala

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"There was an event at the Caleruega wine cellars, is that right?"

Emilia nodded in exhaustion. "Yes."

"And, by then, Samuel and Marina weren't together anymore and you two had started dating?"

"Not officially, I guess," Emilia mumbled. "But yeah, the two of them had had a falling out."

She was only praying that the inspector wouldn't ask about the human embodiment of the cause of their falling out, which was sitting right in front of her. Who had admitted that she was jealous and angry at Marina. Emilia wanted to slap herself for letting her tongue loose.

"What else can you tell me about the party?"

Thank god. "It was a gala like any other," the blonde said, although she couldn't be further from the truth. It wasn't a party like any other. It was when her whole life started going to shit.

Because of a certain dead girl.



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"Good evening," Lu greeted Emilia and Samuel with a huge, fake smile across her face. "Now, this is new for you, right, waiter? Won't you have a problem with not being the one who carries the drinks? After all, that's the only time you get any appreciation."

"Great evening, Lucrecia," Samuel replied ironically, not letting the brunette get his cool. He had spent the past week able to co-exist with Nano. By now, he was an expert at not acting on his anger.

Emilia knew that this charity gala would be a lot more interesting and a lot more disatrous, when she realized that it was organized by Carla's mother, and half of her classmates would be there, too. She didn't even bother to greet Lucrecia. The only thing the brunette would have to respond would be some snarky remark about lowering her class, and then a sarcastic laugh, probably pointing out that she wasn't good enough for Guzmán after all.

The Guzmán thing played into Lu's cards. Nadia was mad and wanted nothing to do with him, Emilia was kicking things off with Samuel, and therefore, the blond boy didn't have a different option than to jump into Lu's invitingly held out arms again. "Oh, look at that," Lucrecia sighed ostentatively again, "another one who can't resist the ghetto charm."

Emilia turned around to see Carla approaching her with Polo and Christian. "Carla!"

The two greeted each other with kisses on each cheek. "I'm so happy you're here, Emilia!"

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now