Love Will Lead You Back

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Prepare for a really long one shot. Originally, it was multi-chapter. I've decided against this and just combined the chapters since it was never intended to be very long. This story doesn't follow the canonical timeline. Expect something that deviates from canon. I started to think, what would happen if Sasuke used the Mangekyo Sharingan on Naruto and came up with this story. I've tried not to make the characters seem OOC, so please bear with me!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Naruto. All characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. No profit is made from the writing of this story.


Touch passion when it comes your way...It's rare enough as it is. Don't walk away when it calls you by name. - J. Michael Straczynski

Hazy blue eyes opened as their owner tried to recollect just what exactly had happened. Silently cursing the fox for not easing the pain in his skull, he fought back the sudden onrush of nausea. Definitely crossing drinking off my list. This pain just isn't worth the hassle. One quick glance was all it took to convince Naruto that this wasn't his bedroom - the furnishings being too opulent to be mistaken as his own sparsely decorated room. Rising to a sitting position on the bed, he tried to remember the events of the night before. Although the memories tended to be a bit fuzzy, they all centered on Sasuke in some fashion. He nearly groaned at that realization. Well, wasn't this just fucking lovely? Wouldn't you know it? You spend your waking time trying to avoid a person, and then when you think you've succeeded, everything falls apart. Speaking of which, where had the bastard gone to? His heart lurched straight into his stomach as his ears picked up the sound of someone breathing next to him. Swallowing to wet his suddenly dry throat, he forced his eyes to look over to his left. He prayed that he wasn't right - but one glance told him differently. Spiky, black hair and pale skin met his eyes as he spied the sleeping form of his friend/rival next to him. Praying to any gods that would listen, he checked underneath the covers, only to slump in mortification as he realized that he wasn't wearing any clothing. Bets were good that Sasuke was in the same predicament as him. Nearly swearing as his hormones kicked into overdrive at the thought, he fought the urge to check. Oh no! We've already done enough as it is! Okay, yeah, he does look molestable lying there, but we are so not doing anything! Naruto might appear to be dim-witted at times, but even he could put two and two together. Shifting on the bed caused a sharp pain to ripple through his ass, leaving him no grandiose notions on just who had been on the bottom the night before. Why does this not surprise me? Okay, let's all have a good laugh at Uzumaki Naruto's expense because he's just been used as the Uchiha's bitch! Rubbing a hand over his eyes, he wondered how he was going to get out of this situation with his sanity and body parts intact. And let's face it, the meeting of Chidori and his dick wasn't something that was high on his to-do list.

As he'd been piecing together the mystery of the night before, he had failed to notice that he was being studied by dark eyes. Sasuke watched as a blush dotted his friend, now lover's face. Smirking as images of a night filled with passion ran through his memory. He allowed his eyes to rove unabashedly over Naruto's naked tanned skin. But his expression soon faltered as he remembered using the Mangekyo Sharingan on an inebriated Naruto to control Kurama, since controlling the Biju would allow him to control Naruto as well. Having realized his feelings had deepened in concern to his friend, he had rashly acted on impulse, wanting nothing more than to revel in the feel of Naruto's body. Not knowing if his friend felt the same almost kept him from doing this insane act, but he had persisted anyway. Willing to take his chance, he had waited until he was sure that Naruto was completely plastered before capturing him in the Mangekyo's illusion. Maybe then he'd finally discover why Naruto had been ignoring him.

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