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They didn't stop to rest but nibbled on the remaining bread and drunk water as they walked. Several times, Skhy apologized for not stopping but Tessa and Lei reminded him that they had been hiking since childhood. However, while Lei lived near the woods and had every opportunity to walk around, Tessa only hikes whenever her dad approves of it. It only made a difference when the trio climbed and walked on huge tree roots along the way. Her feet were becoming sore but she didn't say anything. It will pass.

When they finally saw the welcome sign, both Tessa and Lei's legs were giving out. The trio stood under the lights of the Milky Way and millions of visible stars. Made of bricks, the 20-feet sign had one base on each side of the road. Behind the sign, there were lights along the road with the last one beside the first houses. After several houses, Tessa realized that it a large town with several mansions. Few buildings stood in the uptown area while the houses remained in downtown. Large fences separated the road from acres of land where mansions stood.

"We will stay with Karl's associate." Skhy rounded a corner beside a white and yellow mansion. Lei and Tessa followed without a word. Its lawn was smaller than the rest they passed but the house still looked enormous with four floors and a swimming pool in the yard. It reminded her of their house but theirs was wider and looked antique because of the mahogany paint. This mansion's fence was 10-feet tall with spears on the edges. Are those real metal spears?

"Here." She didn't notice that she was far behind Skhy and Lei. The two entered an open gate near the end of the fence. Talk about security. She followed inside but stood there speechless when she stepped inside. That's not a mansion. It's a fortress!

Standing almost a 100-feet in front of her was a raven-colour fortress with five towers – one in the middle and one on every four corners – and hundreds of rectangular glass windows. Swirling above it were dark grey clouds and flashes of lightning. There was no grass but several cement-covered roads leading to doors of the fierce-looking citadel. It was only when men in armours, covered from head to toe, marched towards them that Tessa snapped out of her reverie. She tapped Lei's shoulder to wake her up from hers. The three men in silver armours held what looks like a halberd, a pole weapon that combined spear and battle axe.

Skhy moved in front of Tessa and Lei when the men neared. She held her breath, both nervous of meeting strangers – skilled strangers – and amazed with their coat, armours, and weapons. When they stopped in front of him, she was shocked by one of men's action.

"Skhy!" The man in the middle hugged and lifted Skhy up. She finally released the breath she was holding. Not just Karl's associate, the man must be Skhy's friend. The two men behind him now stood casually with their arms crossed. Their weapons were no more. Tessa assumed that they were grinning.

"Stop it!" Skhy cried. The men just laughed.

"Alright," the man said after he left Skhy to stand. The men suddenly faced Tessa and Lei, then bowed slightly.

"We apologize," the man who hugged Skhy stated when they lifted their heads. Tessa could see their brown eyes inside the helmet. Wait, why are they apologizing?

"Uh why?" Lei stuttered.

"For not introducing first. I'm London Knightwood," the man who hugged Skhy introduced himself. "These two are Mayson-" he motioned to his right "- and Crest." He motioned to his left.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Tessa." She bowed slightly, copying what they did. Is this how Concordians greet each other?

"I'm Lei." She also bowed slightly towards the men. London Knightwood nodded then turned to Skhy.

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