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next day grab lukes things n let him move in
reorganize nates room
they set rules
go skating
going out on the field getting to know each other
kiss n head home

# 25TH MAY.

He ran. He ran and ran. The street seemed so much longer now he needed to run down it everyone's lights were off and he knew there was no point knocking and screaming for help. They couldn't save him in time. He saw the light looming over the brick wall of the house hed known to be full of shit kids. But right now they were his last resort, he ran quickly into the property sliding down the wall breaking into sobs. Two males stared at him as he cried and broke down in front of them.

"Hey kid, this isn't your home." the blonde guy spoke out to Luke, the other boy sitting across from the blonde frowned looking upset, the fire pit between the two cast a large shadow behind them.
The male opposite the blonde had quite long brown hair, he looked like a skater, snakebites along his pretty plump lips, he had a nose piercing and quite a fee tattoos littered along his arms. Luke soon found the skater looking males name to be Nate, his friend called out to him while the younger male was busy having a panic attack. Nate moved over to the boy gently rubbing his arm to calm him down, "Hey hey calm down, breath." sliding down the wall next to the sobbing, profusely shaking young boy. Nate slipped his hand to the kids back gently rubbing his thumb over his back, "Shhh its okay, calm down."

Nate helped the younger up slowly, taking his weight quickly moving his arm under his arms. He slowly leads him into the house leading him to the kitchen, Nate got him a glass of water rubbing his back softly. "Here, shhh its alright, it's okay. What happened?"
The blonde that was sat with the two followed them inside, Logan was what Luke learned to know him as. Nate gently sat Luke down letting him calm his nerves, his hands stopped shaking n he finally slowed his tears. "m' sorry.. uhm- i-i was being chased.."

"By who, were they trying to hurt you?" his piercings moved as he spoke, the metal resting nicely in the little crevice of his lips. Luke shrugged sipping at the water reluctantly, "I don't know what they want.. I've never done anything wrong!" Nate quickly tried to defuse the situation shushing the newer addition, rubbing the others back trying the best he could.

Lukes's eyes fluttered open, an unfamiliar room started coming into view as his eyes adjusted to the light. Squinting at the sight in front of him, the walls painted a royal blue, a white desk and door was directly in front of him. A white bedside table quite small compared to the bed had a bunch of Monster cans on it, and a bag of- something green. He cuddled into the sheets groaning out softly spotting a figure lying on the floor. Brown long hair was all he could really see, sitting up quickly and rubbing his eyes pulling the blanket up with him, he finally put two and two together. Recollection of the previous night hit him like a truck, "how the fuck did I get here.." he mumbled under his breath. When luke was in the kitchen, the adrenaline stopped pumping through him and he passed out, luckily Logan was paying close attention to him while Nate was trying his best not to wake the whole house searching for some medicine to help the kid sleep. He was moved into the skater looking males bed, getting to rest. Nate never left his side, eventually collapsing to the floor in a sleepy slumber.

Luke looked at Nates almost lifeless body, he reluctantly got out of the bed kneeling down on the floor next to him. He nudges his side gently trying to wake him, "Nate, Nate..!" he grabbed his shoulder, the elder instantly jolting and looking around the room groggily.
"Yup.. yup im up?" he looked up at the young pale male peering over him, his wide doe eyes staring. "Oh- fuck you alright?" quickly sitting up and blinking his eyes hard to wake himself up, placing a hand on the sad boys arm carefully.
"Sorry.. i-im scared.." he was almost ashamed by his words, quickly looking down and sighing, shaking hands were trying to be hidden by gripping the bottom of the hoodie tightly. "Woah hey that's alright, you need water or um-" he looked at the other frowning a little, Nate noticed his shaking hands and gently grabbed his wrists pulling them away from his hoodie "It's alright, you're safe."

"Yeah, we'll be back in half." Nate threw his bag over his shoulder helping the smaller framed male up the fence, soon following behind him. They jumped the fence going into the neighbours front yard, they had another house to jump before they were at Lukes. There were roughly 7 houses with tall wooden gates in a row before it went back to normal fences. Nate stopped as he peaked his head over lukes fence seeing the cars both gone, "There's a blue car." he looked down at the young boy, "That's an old one it doesn't work," he smiled climbing up the fence and jumping over, Nate soon following behind him. They jumped the brick wall leading to the deck that lukes sliding glass door was on. Luke unlocked it with his key sneaking in pausing to listen before letting Nate in, he sighed looking around his room. Nate wrapped an arm around his waist looking at him "You're strong, you can do this."

"almost makes this hell look beautiful for once." luke smiled softly looking over at nate, "oh come on its not that bad, we'll get out of here some day.

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