Chapter 4

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The next day has finally come, making Jungkook squint his eyes at the rising sun. He was playing videogames on the computer basically the whole night since he knew he wouldn't have school today. Jungkook yawns as he starts stretching his arms once again. He stands up, turning off the monitor, making sure everything was organized. All of a sudden, he hears his phones ringtone. Jungkook looks at his phone, seeing the time to which it was 3pm. Jungkook sighs as he was having a feeling it was Jin calling, He picks up his phone and looks at the ID caller, being the one and only Jin. Jungkook answers the call as he says, "What is it hyung.."

The boy yawns as he starts heading over to his bed, getting ready to lay down. "Me and Namjoon are going to hang out with some other people, and YOU, are going to join us." Jin says. Jungkook groans as he stopped walking. "But Jin-hyung.. I want to sleep.." Of course, Jin knew why he did. There was only one way to persuade him and get Jungkook to come. "Oh but JK, I'll get you 2 packs of banana milk. And by the way, were actually going to watch a movie and we already got the tickets. You can sleep there if you want."

Jungkook smiled as he walked over to his closet, grabbing some cozy clothing that looked good. "Anywho, we met a kid who's name is Jung Hoseok. I think you'll like him too! There's going to be 7 of us in total so be prepared Mr. Cold boy!" In the background, you could hear Jin's car starting. "Yeah yeah.." Jungkook takes off his shirt, sliding in the new one, doing the same with his shorts into pants. He put on a big hoodie as Jin says, "I'll be at your house in about 3 minutes since you aren't far from where I live."

"Alright, I'm almost done so its kind off perfect timing you could say? I'll see you later thennnn, bye hyung!!" With that, Jungkook hung up, letting out a yawn. He headed to the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He then puts his phone in his pocket, grabbing his wallet and walking out of the room as he put his wallet in his other empty pocket. Right then and there, he hears honking from outside. "Well that was quick I guess." He grabs his house keys and walks out of his house, locking the door.

"HURRY UP JK!! WERE THE ONLY ONES MISSING THERE!!" Jin yelled, making Jungkook flinch. He quickly walked towards the car, getting inside. "So we're going straight to the movie theater?" Jungkook yawns as he finishes his question. "Yep, then after that were going somewhere else to have dinner." After about 10 minutes, they both arrived at their destination, they got off the car. Jin started walking towards where 5 males were just chatting, having Jungkook behind him. "Sorry we're late guys!" Jin says.

The 5 males look at the other two for a second before one of them decide to speak up. "Let me guess, it was actually your fault?" Jin scoffs as he says, "You're one to talk Namjoon, this is the first time you're actually here on time!! Anywho, let me introduce the bunny here to three people." Jungkook looks at Jin in confusion. "Three?" Jin smirks as he says, "You three." He points at the three that are unfamiliar with Jungkook. "Introduce yourselves!" One of them scoffs bet then looks at Jungkook. "My name's Yoongi, Min Yoongi." He crossed his arms.

"I am Jung Hoseok!! Soon to be the sunshine and hope of this group!! People call me J-Hope and I don't know why but I just roll with it haha!" He smiles and Jungkook can't help but smile back. "And lastly, I am Park Jimin." Jungkook looks at the three and bows slightly. "My name is Jeon Jungkook I guess." One of the males gasped, making Jungkook look at them. "Who knew you could be this nice! It's an improvement! Wow!!" Jungkook widens his eyes as he says, "What's Taehyung doing here?!" Jungkook says as Taehyung laughs.

"Well I was invited and there was nothing to do at home so I came!! And Jimin is my bestfriend so I brought him along." Taehyung smiles like a puppy making Jungkook look away as he had pink cheeks now. "Let's just get this day over with. I just want to sleep right now." Jungkook yawns once more, making Yoongi yawn aswell. "I can relate. Apparently I was persuaded to come here by Hoseok." Hoseok just smiles in agreement then says, what are we waiting for! Let's go watch the movie!!" Both Namjoon and Jin nod, having the three of them walk inside first. "Wait don't leave me alone with these people!" Jungkook exclaims.

They all headed inside as they started thinking of what sweets of food to buy there. After about a minute of everyone deciding what to get, they sent Jungkook to order the food and sweets they all wanted because why not? Meanwhile, the others were just chatting as Taehyung was looking at Jungkook non-stop. "Ah.. he still looks good even when getting our food~" Jimin hit Taehyung on the back as he said, "I swear to got your love sick.." Taehyung pouts but nods in defeat. "He just looks so cute and I can't even stop thinking about him!"

Jimin just sighs, letting Taehyung be. Why can't you think of me that way.. Jimin frowns as he watches Taehyung being in love. Jungkook finally came back with the snacks and hands them to the rightful owners. "When does the movie start anyways?" Jungkook asked as he hits Taehyung in attempt to get him to stop drooling. Namjoon checks the time on his phone and says, "In 5 minutes so we should go to the theatre right now. Everyone has their tickets right?" Everyone nods as they start following Namjoon into the theatre.

Authors Note: I'm sorry I didn't upload this sooner- I don't get to be online that much but now I'm online so here you go lol- Should Jimin be a bad guy or what? :')

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