Chapter 2

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After three hours of driving, I finally saw the North West University sign. I smile happy to have made it this far in my life. I pull into the parking lot to where my dorms will be, parking in the first parking spot I see. I smile grabbing my phone and purse before removing the keys from the ignition and climbing out my car locking it behind me. I fix my skirt before walking into a large brick building. I walk in to see no one at the front desk so I grab the small piece of paper from my purse. I wrote my dorm number and floor number on it. I pull it out reading it.

" 2nd Floor, Room 217"

I walk over to the elevator pressing the button. After a few seconds it opens revealing three blonde girls who look at me disgusted as they walk by. I get into the elevator pushing the two button on the elevator as the door closes. I close my eyes laying back against the wall.

"This is gonna be a long year" I say as the door opens.

I walk out of the elevator and look at the small sign on the wall telling you which rooms are which way.

"Left, Rooms 200 -220"

I go left down the hallway reading the numbers on each door.

"214....215.....216......217" I say knocking on the door as a green haired girl opens the door.

"Hey" she says cheerily as I see a blond boy with a few tattoos on the bed behind her.

"Hey I'm Luna, your roommate" I say as she smiles taking me into her small arms.

"I'm Eugena, but you can call me Gene. I'm your roomie, why didn't you just use your key silly" she says letting go of me.

"I don't have it yet, I am gonna get it when I go back down to get my bags" I say walking into the room that I will be calling home .

It's a decent sized room with two twin beds, two closets, a small desk, a body mirror on the wall between my closet and dresser and a tv setting on the top of Gene's dresser.

Gene's side of the room is covered with band posters making me like her more than I did before.

"Hey I'm Jake, Gene's boyfriend" the boy from earlier says smiling as he wraps his arm around the small green haired girl.

"Nice to meet you." I say, smiling at the two of them before turning over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Gene asks as my hand touches the knob.

"To get my room key and stuff from my car" I say, opening the door.

"Let us help," Gene says, grabbing Jake's hand and following me to the elevator.

We climb into the elevator pressing the main floor button as the doors close.

"I love your hair" Gene says smiling.

"Thanks, I like yours too," I say, smiling running my hand through my rainbow hair as the doors open and we walk out.

I walked over to the desk to see a small woman who looks to be in her mid-40s standing behind it.

"Um hi, I'm Luna , Luna Rain can I get my room key please" I say with a smile as she nods going through a file cabinet pulling out a folder with my first and last name on it. She opens it scanning her eyes over the sheet of paper before pulling a key out from under the desk.

"2nd Floor, Room 217" She says, handing me the key.

"Thank you" I say, taking it from her fidgeting with the key to get it on my key chain as Gene and Jake follow me to my car.

"Damn you have a nice car" Jake says as I unlock it.

"Thanks" I say, opening the door to the back seat.

Jake grabs my two biggest bags as Gene takes the other two. I smile opening my trunk pulling out my bed I had packed in the trunk the night before, before closing the trunk going to the passengers seat grabbing my suitcase before locking my doors.

I get back into the building to see that Gene and  Jake are gone.

I go over to the elevator pressing the button to go up. The doors open and I walkin pressing the second floor button as the doors close again.

The doors reopens as I walk out and down the hall to my room. When I get to the room the door is already open and they are both sitting on Gene's bed as my bags sit on the floor in front of what will be my dresser.

"Thanks guys" I say, putting my bags next to the others before shutting the door.

"No problem," Gene says, turning on the tv flipping through the channels.

I unload my four bags into my dresser and closet before tucking them under my bed. I put my metal suitcase next to the sit of my dresser. I walk over to my bed taking off the covers and pillowcases putting them in a pile near the door. I walk over my bag pulling out my posters along with a small box of tacks pinning them all over my side of the room.

"I like your taste," Gene says turning off the tv.

"Thanks," I say, taking my blankets out and throwing them on the bed.

I replace my pillowcases tucking the other blankets and things in my bag sticking them under my bed.

"Jake and I are going to a party tonight you should come with" Gene says walking over to her closet.

"I'd love to" I say watching her pull out a neon green strapless dress that looks super short and made out of some kind of latex like material.

"Yay, let me help you pick out your outfit" she says sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Okay" I say getting up going over to my closet looking through my dresses. I end up pulling out a black leather dress with spikes turning around to show it to her.

"Oh my gosh, I love it and it's gonna look perfect with your body shape. Maybe you don't need my help picking outfits like my roommate Vanessa last year" Gene says smiling.

"What do you mean?" I say placing my dress on my bed.

"Oh just my roommate last year was kind of a square and always would wear these hideous skirts and button up shirts, but she changed schools" she says getting up grabbing her curling iron and plugging it into the wall.

"Why did she change schools?" I ask, watching her as she pulls out her makeup.

"Oh she messed with Dakota, a guy in our group who sleeps around a lot, but doesn't date and he broke her and she couldn't handle being in the same college as him" She says wiping the makeup off her face with a makeup wipe.

"Oh well you seem way more fun to be around than her" She says smiling at me.

"Thanks" I say laughing as I sit down in front of the body mirror opening my metal hair and makeup bag.

"Holy shit what are you a makeup artist?" Gene says standing next to me.

"Nope, just love hair and makeup" I say smiling as I pull out what I'll need as she walks back over to her things.

I pull out a makeup wipe cleaning off my makeup from this morning doing the same routine as this morning, but changing the eyeshadow.

"I will be back in an hour to pick you two up" Jake says kissing Gene goodbye before giving me a small wave and leaving.

"This party is going to be so much fun" Gene says starting to curl her hair.

"I hope so" I say smiling as I straighten my hair by brushing it.

"Oh it will be, they always are! " Gene says confidently.

I get up taking off my skirt and my shirt before slipping on my dress. I kneel down putting my makeup and stuff away before looking in my closet for my favorite pair of heels.

I slip them on before standing up brushing my dress down with my hands.

"You look great roomie" Gene says, hugging me.

"You do too" I say smiling as I hug her back.

"Knock Knock Ladies" I hear Jake yell from the other side of the door.

"Coming" Gene says, grabbing her purse as I grab mine before she grabs my wrist leading me to the door.

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