The Mission

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Despair's P.O.V

It's hard to believe two months has passed it seems like just yesterday Charm was running down the hallways with me... I sigh as I look down the hall to the elite bedrooms. The castle, the halls and heck even the people aren't the same now that Charm is dead. Vio has been very quiet, Matheo is furious, Cal.... is well himself, Venrie is sad and I.... am just numb. I hate Charm... for making me feel like this but what I hate more is that she left without a proper goodbye...

"Despair! Are you crying?"Asks a concerned Matheo as he enters from the hallway across of the elite bedrooms.

"What... oh I guess I am"I say in shock as tears pour down my face.

"Uh... I see. Despair.... there's something you need to know"says Matheo as he runs his fingers through his white hair.

"What is it?"I ask.

"Not here... there are way to many ears"says Matheo as he grabs my wrist and starts dragging me.

I don't fight it because I don't really feel like walking. I notice that Matheo appears to be taking me to his office but is very concerned about his surroundings because he looks over his shoulder four times before he opens up his office door and locks it behind us.

"Good... now no one but you will hear what I must say"says Matheo with a sigh of relief.

"Matheo what the hell is going on?"I ask annoyed.

"Charm Kennai.... didn't die two months ago"says Matheo with a sigh as  moves he plays with his hair.

"Matheo... are you saying that...." I begin to say.

"Yes Despair.... Charm Kennai is alive and it is your mission to rescue Charm from the Children of Ember"says Matheo.

"Am I doing this alone?"I ask.

"No.... you may all come out now!"Shouts Matheo.

As Matheo shouts that Venrie and Vio emerge from the closet, Cal pops up from under the desk with Lux, Thorne and Elliot come out from behind the left curtain and Vixen emerges from the right.

"How long were you guys hiding?"I ask with a sigh.

"Since after breakfast"says Cal.

"I see... so Matheo is this my team?"I ask.

"Yes without Vio and me of course"says Matheo with a smile.

"Thank you Matheo... so what is the plan?"I ask.

"You are to sneak in to the Children of Ember headquarters and save Charm Kennai... I will not allow any of you to die on this mission have I made myself clear?"Asks Matheo.

"Yes Matheo"we all say.

"Good now go rescue Charm"says Matheo.

Charm..... I will save you.

Charm's P.O.V

Despair.... please just finish the job and kill me.... I can't take it anymore....

"Charm darling the mistress needs you"calls Gluttony.

"Oh... of course"I say as a brush by Gluttony as I leave my new room. Please can't someone just kill me.

Save me or Kill me (Sequel to my wish)Where stories live. Discover now