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Voldemort's daughter, or what she actually liked to be called: Theresa, Theresa Riddle, grew up under the protection of the Death Eaters.

Surrounded by thieves, assassins, and all type of criminals, Theresa grew up as a loyal porter of the Dark Mark, ready to give her life to the new cause the order adopted after Lord Voldemort's desease. Theresa learnt from a very young age the art of magic, dark magic to be more specific, and everyone was impressed of how she turned out to be in the management of it. But all this time living in the darkness made her become cold as ice. She had been trained to feel no emotions, to love nobody, and to fear nothing. She was a weapon the Death Eaters were ready to use.

"Theresa come join us for dinner please" Bellatrix Lestrange, in her weak state said.

"I'm not hungry" was what Theresa answered to the one who had been like a mother figure to her throughout her whole life.

"Theresa sit down and eat, we need to discuss" Draco commanded

"And who do you think you are to give orders to me"  Theresa now said pissed off by the fact that someone tried to tell her what to do. Without picking up her wand, and only using her index finger Theresa whispered something in snake language and pointing to Draco she began to make him choke with what he was eating.

"Theresa stop he can't breath!" Astoria pleaded as she desperately tried to help her husband. But all efforts she did were in vain. Teresa's smile grew in amusement as she saw the color drain from Draco's face, she enjoyed being that powerful more than anything. "Please do something!" Astoria then turned to Bellatrix as her last resource, once she saw that Theresa wouldn't have mercy.

"That's enough fun for today young lady" Bellatrix said hiding her proud smile, as she was kind of enjoying the show herself as well.

"But is it?" Theresa answered teasing a bit more, and tilting her face to have a better view of the agonizing man. Then, she let go of the spell she had casted, slowly taking her place at the table, watching as Draco recovered and gasped for air.

"You should eat something, you're getting worryingly skinny" Scorpius said as he handled his plate to Theresa. Ever since kids he had always had a soft spot for her and her lack of feelings. Something about that intrigued him, and even made him attracted to her.

"Oh Scorpius, I had already forgotten you were at the table too, considering you didn't even flinch while your father almost died" Astoria said disappointed to her son.

"Don't be so dramatic mother, I think I know Theresa better than anybody else-"

"Oh don't flatter yourself" Theresa interrupted and then gave him that mischievous look they always shared. Scorpius contended his smile and continued.

"As I was saying, Theresa doesn't have the guts to kill anybody"

"Oh wanna bet?" She said defying him as she took her wand in hand.

"No, actually I would rather finish eating if you don't mind"


Dinners at the Death Eaters secret house were always like that. Theresa never allowed them to get bored while eating, she always knew exactly how to put up a show. But this same night wouldn't just be like the others. Draco had an announcement to make that was about to change everyone's life.

"So" Draco tried to said as he recovered his breath "Theresa, there was something I was actually meaning to tell you before you almost chocked me to death"

"Then speak, but I'll warn you that it'd better be good news because Im already mad tonight"

"No actually, I think you'll love hearing this"

"We signed you up to attend Hogwarts" Astoria said drily, as she couldn't hide how much she despised the girl. 

"Me? Going to Hogwarts? Well that sounds fun"

"But father, Theresa has never left this house for a reason"

"And don't you think I know that Scorpius? Theresa has been training her whole life for this mission, and the tone has already come"

"Excuse me, did I hear mission? What did I miss?" Theresa asked curiously, but excited.

"We'll discuss about it on the morning, for now you should both go to sleep, train to school leaves tomorrow"

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