Pt 38- Opposite

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You: Bye Danny
Dan: Bye Sophie
You both walk separate ways and you go to your first class
Once you walk in, you interrupted the teacher
You: I'm sorry-
M: It's okay, don't let it happen again
You: Yes Mr. Polibio
You walked to an empty seat and sat down

A couple of minutes into the lesson, someone from behind you taps your shoulder
??: Are you Sophie Hurtado?
You: Yea why?
??: How is Mr. Polibio in bed?
You: Excuse me?
The girl laughs with some of her friends

??: Quit it Celia
Cel: What, he talks about her so much, I assume they did it
??: That's enough
Celia rolls her eyes and you look at the girl next to you
Kat: I'm sorry about her, I'm Katie
You: Sophie
Kat: She's just jealous because she doesn't have a chance with Mr. Polibio
Cel: I heard that
Kat: Good
You giggled and continued to pay attention to class

M: Alright, that's all for today, make sure to turn in your essay
Everyone heads out of class as soon as soon he said that
You were still packing up your things and you were about to leave until he called your name
You: Yes
M: I was wondering if you can come to my office when classes finish
You: For?
M: To get everything settled
You: Um okay
M: Alright, you may go
You nod and leave

Seeing him just makes me want to kiss him, but we could actually get caught and I don't want him to leave again

Devyn's POV
I know there is something off of Sophie, Mattia talks about her all the goddamn time and now that she is here, he acts weird
Earlier he was staring at her while we were talking
He gave her a soft look while I'm literally right there
I could tell he was jealous when Danny was with her
Anyways, I have to tutor Danny, maybe I could get a reaction from Mattia when he sees me with Danny

So next chapter, I'll make it longer filled with tea and I received a message to do a face reveal so yea

So next chapter, I'll make it longer filled with tea and I received a message to do a face reveal so yea

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Teacher Teacher       Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now