4x01 - Kurt at the Lima Bean

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"Kurt? There's a customer waiting."

Kurt jumped back into reality from his daydream and apologized to the customer. He had been thinking about his daily phone calls with Rachel and what life would be like for him in New York City. The two had been keeping in touch practically every day since she boarded the train to New York. Kurt had dealt with the jealousy and the denial all summer, but now he kept himself busy with his job at the Lima Bean and the excitement of watching a new generation of Glee kids start the school year.

"Hey stranger." an ironically familiar voice called to him.

Kurt looked up from the drink he was making and smiled to see Blaine, Brittany, and Tina at the counter for their morning coffee. He handed his friends the drinks he had already prepared for them. The two lovebirds shared a kiss over the counter, after Kurt made sure his manager Brett was looking away.

"Ew gross, we've had to watch you two make out all summer." exclaimed Tina.

"They're not as good at it as Santana and I. Even though it's over Skype, the metallic taste of my computer screen reminds me of her sweet lady lips." said Brittany. Kurt raised his eyebrows in confusion and quickly changed the topic.

"So what's on the Glee agenda today? Has Mr. Schue already scared Marley away with his rapping?" asked Kurt, clearly missing his high school days in the choir room.

Blaine laughed, "Actually, we start rehearsals for our first group performance today. Adele's 'Chasing Pavements'. Marley's singing lead."

"Though the lead should have been mine..." Tina suggested.

"Tina, we dedicated like an entire week to you after you fell into that fountain while angry sexting Mike Chang." Brittany mentioned.

Tina threw her arms up, "Oh that is not what happened at all..."

"Girls, girls! Not by the espresso machine, alright?" Kurt mediated, but secretly happy to be immersed back in the high school drama.

Blaine looked over to Kurt. "Anyway, we are rehearsing after school, you should stop by. In fact, meet me in the courtyard during free period, I sort of threw together a surprise."

 Blaine had been noticing the sadness in Kurt's eyes lately. Kurt may have put up a facade for his friends, claiming that staying in Lima will be good for him, but he wasn't fooling Blaine. It killed him to see Kurt stuck here.

"Oh, well in that case I'll be there with free coffees." Kurt smiled, wondering what Blaine could be up to. 

Class was starting soon, so Blaine, Brittany, and Tina said their goodbyes to Kurt and left. Kurt smiled to himself. For the rest of his shift, he waited in anticipation for Blaine's surprise, a good break from non-stop thinking about New York.


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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