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Christmas song ^~^ (don't own pic or vid but the vid is Blake)
And Blake

Blake POV

I stared into the sky as I walked down the road, school was the same as always. Nothing changed, I'll be turning 17 soon is the only new thing. The snow crumbled beneath my combat boots, as more snow fell from the sky.

I stopped as I felt a pulse in my head. This has been happening a lot lately, and just like last time I would find myself staring at the woods. It's been like this for a while, but since I first came here I felt like the woods were calling me to them, but just 3 months ago my head started feeling a pulse. It always felt like I was being sucked into the-

I felt something grip my arm and pull me back as a tractor trailer nicked a piece of my hair. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME CALLING YOU! I KNOW YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TALKIN BUT I KNOW YOUR NOT DEAF!!!" I looked up at my roommate, Safari Ian. She tugged me along down the street. "I swear sister Bella needs to do a holy prayer over you. I know this is around the time when your life was trashed but you shouldn't be a total zone out." I sighed as she continued to rant. If you haven't noticed my orphanage is part of the church. And for some reason we are learning to become nuns... though Safari isn't doing really good at it, just yesterday she had her boyfriend and right now she tells me I need a prayer.

I cranked my head phones up, blocking out the world around me. Don't get me wrong, she's nice and all but just... odd. She's like an odd older sister that I have nothing in common with. She likes JB I like BVB, or just put it simple she likes pop and what not while I like rock. I do listen to some pop every now and then but mostly rock, dubstep, and anything nightcore. She likes light colors I prefer dark colors but could go for light colors. She's blonde, my hair is grey...silver maybe? Her eyes are blue, mines are violet. Her boobs are big mines are small. She has high feminist while I have very little. She cares for her appearance while I could care less. She's had tones of boyfriend while I haven't even had my first kiss. She stands at.... 5.7 while I'm stuck at 5.3. She's outgoing I'm more... silent. She's a talker I'm a listener.

Like I said she's out going and a talker, so when I first came through the doors she was practically on my back... Literally, she hopped on my back and she wouldn't let go till I said something so I had to dragging her around everywhere. But just like me she's here for a reason...

As we approached the orphanage I felt like eyes were on me. But I ignored it, nothing new. It's been like that since the day I was with my grandmother, the doctor said it was a psychological problem. A trauma. He just prescribe me some pills when I told him I was seeing things. Every since then I stopped telling them things.

I use to tell Safari about it and she gave me a necklace, well rosary so she says... I don't wear it though.

We walked in to see the kids running around. "DANNY SIT DOWN NOW!!" Sister Bella was holding one of the kids with a big cooking spoon in her hands. She looked at us. "Oh thank the heavens." She handed me the baby and the spoon to Safari. "Can you girls take care of this!?! Thanks!" She dashed after Danny who ran around with a stick with a bug on it chasing the girls.

Safari blushed at bit as she looked to the side. "You know it's friday... My boyfriend and the date..." She just handed me the spoon and ran off with a wave as she shouted. "THANKS!"

I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen.

I sat the baby down in a high chair, he was no older then 26 months and his name is Jeremiah. He's a cute little boy. I got a bowl out and took two things of pudding, pouring them into the bowl and gave him a plastic spoon.

As he ate I made some curry and baked some steamed dumplings along with rice.

I made enough for people to at lest get 5 servings and at 10 rolls of dumplings.

As I place the bowls down and put out the silver ware, Jeremiah began to cry. I ran to him picking him up, He cried into my shoulder. "What's wrong kiddo." He pointed to the corner of the room. "Awy." ....scary?? I looked to the side. And in the corner there sat a girl wearing a pink gown with blood falling from her head. She just say there, her bear in one hand and a toy car she rolled back and forth in another. She looked up at me and said. "Found you." and giggled.... that's when everything went black.

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