2.Toilet seats plated with gold

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I sat up straight, my arms falling away from around Caden. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I pointed at my laptop which was blinking with a bluish-green colour. My Nik alarm was ringing. We grabbed our coats and ran out of the dorms in full speed.

" Did you switch off the TV?" I asked Caden.
" Screw TV. Run faster" he tugged at my arm urging me to run faster and I did. We reached the main hall. And near the entrance a dark-haired man leaned against a wall, effortlessly ignoring a group of girls who were trying to rub themselves against him. He looked bored as he watched his bags being carried away. It was evident on his face , at least to me, that he was annoyed. And then his fuse snapped when a girl touched his hair. Bad move, love.

He pushed the girls away and followed it with a bunch of really rude curse words that would have made his mom smack his head. The girls scattered like a bunch of scared pigeons, which only made it obvious that no girl would ever approach him for the rest of her university life.

Nik's eyes flicked up, locking with mine and then Caden's. His lips spread out into a grin as he opened his arms wide. We walked into them crushing Nik under our arms ignoring the murmurs and whispers of the crowd around us. Me, Nik  and Caden held close resemblance to each other. All three of us had black hair and pale skin with eyes the same colour but different shades.

" How was London?" I asked Nik , looping an arm around his.

He ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead. A habit since we were nine.
" Mum and dad send their love to both of you" he said turning to look at Caden who was talking to squeaky voiced lady. Without doubt asking her to send pizza to our room.

He looked at us " Go on. I'll get the pizza. JR, give him a tour"

We nodded and started towards the dorm building. Nik slung an arm over my shoulder and sighed. I looked up at him, automatically sensing his mood " What happened? Did you run into Valeria?"
" Yeah. She misses Caden" he snorted. I scoffed in disbelief. Valeria Greene, one of the most manipulative female dogs of all times. She was clearly dropped a lot as a baby. Valeria asked out Caden half a year back and made him believe that she was the one for him. We all liked her despite being suspicious. But then she messed up really bad. She set her eyes on Nik suddenly, only because she somehow discovered that Nik's bank balance was a hundred dollars more than Cade's. So she broke up with Cade by telling him that she was in love with Nik. And when Nik rejected her because he was loyal to friendship that way, she went back to Caden and tried to make him believe that I blackmailed her into doing it by kidnapping her younger brother. Like, say what? Just because I'm a businesswoman doesn't mean I kidnap and threaten people randomly. Besides, her brother would come with me without me forcing him. The girl treats her brother like shit even though he's a seven-year old.

So long story short, Cade dumped her and asked her not to show her face to him ever again. If there is any thing that Caden Harrison hates in this world then it is manipulation and covering up lies.

" Let her suffer. No one tries to tear us apart. Not even god" I muttered.
Nik quirked an eyebrow " You don't believe in god. You're an atheist" he reminded

" You know what I mean idiot...Oh for hell's sake! Not again! Blondie are you freaking blind?" I screamed glaring at the man in front of me who once again had ruined my shirt with coffee. He looked at me with hate-filled eyes and didn't reply. Nik held out a tissue paper to me, eyes filled with amusement as he looked between me and blondie.

I dabbed at the stain and spoke again " I thought you worked in a coffee shop. Why are you delivering coffees?"

" Not that it's any of your business but some of us actually have to work for money. We don't all grow up with our toilet seats plated with gold and if I had a pair of extra eyes then I'd donate them to you" he said, bending down to my level. I pushed at his chest making him stumble back and glared into his chocolate brown eyes. Just because I was born into a rich family doesn't mean that I don't work hard everyday. Yeah, I agree I had things that others didn't. But I never took anything for granted.

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