the end.

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Then next day......

Alexandria get the door! Stunna yells since someone ringed the door bell. I then go answer it and it was a box and nobody was outside. I then bring the box in and sat it down.

I then start cooking breakfast since stunna was in the shower and we was going to open the box together. After im done cooking breakfast. I then go check on yosohn and he is up so I feed him and lay him back down for a nap since he fell asleep.

Who was at the door? Stunna ask kissing my cheek.

Nobody actually it was just a box and I thought we could open it together.

Yeah let's go open it he tells me grabbing my hand.

We then get to the living room and sit down to open it. Inside was baby stuff making me scrunch my face confused on who it was from. Stunna then looks at me confused also.

At the bottom the the box a note was attached with flowers.

I'm coming for you my love.....


And thats the end🚨🚨🚨

Do yall want a book two? Let me know.

Bye lovlies until next time, your author😘😘😘😘

Sorry about the cliffhanger 😏😏

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