Q and A

541 16 5

puppelora thanks for Everythingggg literally

Uno - Nathalie
Dos - Penny
Tres - Nadja
Cuatro - Caline


Within 10 seconds of them starting the livestream, there were already thousands of people watching.

"Hey everyone!" Said Dos, "Welcome to our first livestream! Since everyone wants to know more about us, this is a Q and A, so don't hesitate to ask any questions!"

After a few more seconds the comments were blowing up with many, many questions about them,

"Before we do that though, we would like to introduce somebody, you can call her Mitad!" Said Uno,

She pulled Mitad (Half in spanish) into the frame, and the comments blew up again, desperate to know who she was,

"This is my daughter, say hi!" Said Tres,

Mitad giggled and waved at the camera shyly, before burying her face into her mothers side,

"So! Now you've met Mitad, lets get on with the questions," said Cuatro,

(basic questions and answers)

Q : How old are you all?

(idk so i made it up)
A : Uno and Dos are 28, Tres is 29, Cuatro is 27 and Mitad is 5.

Q : Are you going to reveal who you are?

A  : Thought about it, not sure.

Q : Any pets?

A : 2 Cats, Milo and Millie.

Q : Whens the next concert?

A : In a few weeks.


It carried on for an hour before they ended the livestream, and Manon was getting pretty tired.

"Mommy, can we do that again?" She asked when it was over,

"Of course sweetie," Nadja replied,

She took her to bed and returned to the others,

"See Nat? It wasn't that bad," said Penny,

Nathalie rolled her eyes and groaned,
"Okay okay, we weren't hacked, and our location wasn't leaked, I get it!"

"Stop bullying Nat, only I can do that," Nadja said jokingly,

Nathalie groaned again and stood up to go to her room,

(They live in a normal house to not draw attention, so Manon has her own room, while Nathalie and Penny share, and Nadja and Caline share 😊)

"Don't drink again Nathalie!" Caline called after her, "You dont want a hangover in work tomorrow!"

She'll try not to drink.

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