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Third-Person POV

"Hey Reid, where were you?" Prestiss called out. "Yeah it's not like you to be late," Said JJ. "It's only 17 minutes, nobody's dying at the moment." "Woah, Reid are you okay?" Emily asked, noticing his uncombed hair and dark bags under his eyes. "I'm fine Emily, back off!" Reid said in a defensive tone. "Hit a nerve?" JJ mumbled, while Prentiss just shrugged.

At that moment Hotch came out of his office and called out, "BAU, conference room, 5 minutes!" Spencer got up immediately and when he passed Emily, said "I'm sorry for snapping, I'm just tired."

When they were all in the conference room, Hotch announced, "We're going to D.C." "Why, what's happening?" Asked Morgan. "To be honest, a couple things. One, anthrax samples have been reported stolen from a biohazard facility. Two, people are being kidnapped after being injected. So far, there are 7 missing people." "7? Why are we being notified so late?" Rossi asked. "Because the police thought that they could handle it." "Ha. Guess they were wrong." Morgan interjected. "Right. We know that they were injected before being taken because there was blood at three of the crime scenes. They tested it, and found the drug." "Dilaudid." Reid said quietly.

Hotch just looked at Reid, confused as to how he knew. "Hotch, any other drug and you would have said it straight up." "What's the significance of dilaudid?" Asked Rossi. "We'll discuss it later." Hotch simply stated.

"Well-" Reid started coughing violently. "Spence, are you okay?" JJ asked. Reid just coughed harder. "Get a medic!" Morgan said. Rossi started towards the door, but, his coughing slowing down, Reid said faintly "No, I'm fine. Let's just get going." "Reid, are you sure?" "Morgan, I'm fine. I just have a cold."

"Ok guys, get your go-bags, wheels up in an hour." Hotch said uncertainly. Reid practically ran out of the room, taking his messenger bag with him. "What's up with him?" Emily asked JJ. This time it was JJ that couldn't answer.

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