The Interview Day

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Mahiras heart gloomed when she saw the sight of the greatest nd the richest company in Asia for the first time.. In her eyes were the hope nd eagerness to hardwork and to  be a successful women so that she could afford a house of her own and also cure her mother from cancer as she has been on her bed since 10 years due to her illness.. Finally it was time now as assistant called out "" may I have now mahira shrivasthi?"" mahira just came back from daydreaming about having a big house one day nd responded formally "  oh yea miss that's meh" " while she sat on the chair for her interview to achieve her dream job the assistant was closely briefing at her profile information" " and then gazed at her appearance to which mahira questioned" " miss is there any problem?? 😅 Assistant said" " no there ain't any problems but regarding your looks are you n Indian?.. Mahira responded" " umm ya miss i am an Indian but i qualified for IB, MBBS miss 🙂" " assistant than rolled her eyes nd said" " well.. If we have any acceptance for you we'll contact you miss.. Thank you for the interview" " mahira responded" " oh thank you miss hope to see you again" ".. As soon as mahira shut the door and left the assistant dialled a number on telephone and said" " I think she could be the one.. Boss." "

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