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Sana pov

My Bedroom

"Baby wake up". 

I open my eyes after feeling a peck on my forehead.

"I made breakfast", Jihyo said.

"Really?", I asked sitting up.

"Yep go shower ill be waiting for you", she said then left the room.

 I got showered and brushed my teeth. 

~ Time Skip ~

Since I couldn't be bothered to put any clothing on top of me I was just in my bra and knickers. I went to the kitchen cause that's where Jihyo is. 


Baby", I said back hugging her pecking her neck.

 She turned around and faced me.

"Why are you wearing no shirt? ", she asked. 

Her face was getting red. I lifted my hand up.

"Stay right here", she said then went off to our room. 

~ a few minutes later ~

She then came back with clothes.

"Put this on", she ordered.

"Can you help", i asked. 

She helped put on the clothes. 

"Thank you very much", I said.

She smiled.

"You truly are like a little kid", she said.

~ Time Skip ~

 I sat on the counter just watching her wash up.

"Baby why are you sitting there. There are perfectly fine chairs to sit on", Jihyo said, finishing washing up.

"I like it here", I said.

"Your weird", she said and came up to me.

"Thank's for the compliment", I said and put my arm around her neck and wrapped my legs around her waist pulling her closer to me. 


"Morning", Momo said. 

I let go of her.

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