karn adjusting in kalyug

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Ria was hugging karn

Karn - devi this is not right

Ria - what

Karn - a girl can't hug a boy without marriage

Ria looks at him in shock

Ria - this is kalyug . In this yug girl can hugs boy

Karn- seriously

Ria -leave it lets go to home

Karn nodes

They both went to ria house

Ria - so tell me what are u doing here

Karn - I had told u

Ria - so u and ur pandavas brother are here for checking who is more famous( laughing)

Karn - no devi I am not here for that yudhishthir bheem and arjun are here for checking whom people like most

Ria - I am not devi . My name is ria . Say ria

Karn - devi ria

Ria - only ria

Karn - ok ria

Ria - now this is good . I want to tell u one thing ur brothers are going to disappoint🙄

Karn - why

Ria - cause according me u are most popular character of mahabharat .😂

Karn (in shock ) -how ??

Ria - what how? people like u a most

Karn - seriously

Ria - yes
U know when u had died in mahabharat I had cried so much

Karn - but how do u know

Ria -😒
I am showing u something

Ria opens her pc

Karn shocked

Karn- what type of thing Is this . It look like something magical.  Ria stay away from it . It is very dangerous

Ria - 🤦 this is pc . We can see a video in it . I am showing u

And she opens the episode in which karn was dying

Ria - he is karn ☺️

Karn - no devi I am karn . The person inside this magical thing is not me

Ria - 😒🤦I need to explain u in detail
U have mirror in ur house

Karn - yes

Ria - in mirror u see urself . Similarly this device can record the thing and u can see it later

And ria explains whole mechanism of phone and internet to him

Karn - it's unbelievable ria

Ria - u need to believe it now 😒

Ria - people loves u a lot look at the comments

Karn - I can't read it 🤷 this is in different language

Ria -🤦ok eat chocolate

Karn - what is this ria

Now ria is angry

Ria- don't u believe me

Karn - I do

Then eat it 😠

Karn - ok don't scold me devi

Ria - sorry 😅

And after eating chocolate

Karn - oh gosh what is this it is very delicious

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