35. Real life

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It's like over months since I have seen all of my friends. Harry would fly out and see me sometimes but it wasn't very long. I'm finally going home since the last time I saw them. I have texted them once and a while. I heard Harrison got a girlfriend, Debbie. 

She's really pretty and funny i have met her a couple times before they went out. I was in the airport walking around to find a Uber to take me home but as soon I stepped outside of the airport to the parking lot. I saw the only Tom Holland standing there with a bag of candy and some ice tea. I saw Tom's big smile and ran towards him. I jumped into his arm and he hugged back. "Omg Tommy it's been so long since I last saw you." 

I pull away from the hug and see that there was a bit of awkwardness. He touched my hair a bit. "You dyed it?" He ask looking at it's different colour. "yeah..." Tom gave me my favorite food and I ate them. He drove to his apartment to see the other guys. 

Once we arrived to his apartment. Harrison was hugging Debbie and he looked at me weirdly. Harry came up to me and hugged me. "Harry don't act like I didn't see you like 2 weeks ago." 

He smiled and i went to hug Harrison but he just gave me a high five. I was slightly confused until Debbie gave me a look. So i saw my bestie Paddy and I hugged him so tight. "Heyyyy Paddy... what's it like to be 15?" He smiled and we talked about his school drama and i laughed. Sam soon came over and i hugged him tight. Me and Tom went to his parents house since there were like a second family to me. 

My parents moved back to America soon when i starting filming. Then after like 2 hours, me and Tom went to walk Tessa. "So what's it like huh Tom? Without me here for months?" He thought for a second. "Umm less annoying."

 I playfully hit his shoulder. "Toommmm seriously," I smiled at him since I haven't seen him since August. "Well since you have been gone for almost a year a lot has changed." My eyebrows narrow down. "What do you mean by that?"

 I ask looking at Tessa. "Well obviously Harrison got a girlfriend as you know. Harry and I work together, Paddy is grown up a bit. He's even taller then you." He laughed, "yeah shut up it's not my fault I'm y/h" We sat on a bench for a bit. "What about you... what has changed with you?" Tom looked at me. "Umm well Me and Olivia broke up." I looked confused and asked, "Olivia? Our childhood friend? Wait you dated her? Since when?" 

I asked him and he looked shocked. "Oh right I never told you, did I? Me and Her dated since early 2019 and broke up like 6 months ago." I looked at my hands. 'He had a secret girlfriend and he never told me?' I thought. "I know I should have told you but like we weren't allow to tel-" I stopped him quickly, "it's fine Tom it's whatever. You're allowed to date who ever you want." I got up and went to Tessa petting her lightly. "I- umm should umm go to see Lily she'll be really mad if she knew I came here without going to her first."

 I bumped Tom's shoulder while walking towards the car. "Y/n are you alright?" I nodded wrapped my arms around my stomach. I got in the car and Tom drove me to Lily's house. I got out saying bye. 'You're not dating Tom it's okay he doesn't like you even tho you have been in love with him since you were 11 years old' As soon as I walked to the door, it shot open. Lily came out hugging me hard. "Oh my god BABEEE! I haven't seen you in forever! Come on in Dylan's here but he's taking a nap." 

I raised my eyebrows at her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes knowing i ship them to. "SOOOO how's you're life been? Wait... what's wrong?" I got confused on why she would ask that. "What do you mean? I'm fine." Lily shot me a look. "You're covering your stomach you do that when you're nervous." I sat in the chair near the kitchen island. 

"Well, I found out our friend Olivia dated Tom. I mean i did delete Instagram but how can he not tell me? I'm his like best friend and he didn't bother to tell me?" I sighed playing with the strings on my jacket. "I mean he can date who ever he wants but he didn't tell me? I knew he never liked me but Jesus i went thru Elle remember her?" I looked back up at her and she walk around the island and hugged me. "Maybe he didn't tell you was for a good reason? Like maybe he secretly likes you." 

I roll my eyes and moved away from her touch. "Lily look, at all the signs he clearly doesn't like me back. I mean Harry's is someone I grew up with and he's funny and sweet but..." Lily sat next to me. "You don't like him." I nodded grabbing the locket Tom gave me. "There's something about Tom that i don't know he-... i mean Harrison got girl friend and everything." I stood up sighing. "He only dated her to get over you y/n." 

Lily went inside the kitchen to get me some water. "So look maybe you should date Harry even you don't like him." I gave her a looking knowing i will never do that. I mean I have noticed Harry has liked me less. "I can't do that obviously." 

Lily came towards me with some water. "Look maybe you should try be with Tom because if you don't try the answer will always be no. If you do it could be yes." I drank the water, thinking, "I could ruin the friendship Lily. There has been no signs like he likes me." I sat and Dylan walked in. "Oh my GOD y/n!" He ran towards me hugged me tightly. "Hey Dyl." 

I smiled and he winked at me. "I heard your conversation with Lily and since you have been gone the only person that Tom mentions is you." I looked past Dylan to see Lily. "I haven't been here in a long while." She countered not knowing.  After a long while being at her house. 

I got Dylan to drop me off in front of Tom's building. "Remember at least you should try." I nodded and thanked him for the drive. "See you later Dylan." I hugged him before walking out. 

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