UwU vs Lenny vs OwO

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This is a thing thats going on between asean,malphilindo,and cu
Asean:Okay you know what I came here for rigth
Asean:good now i have something to say
Cu:Let me guess OwO is beter than The lenny face but you're completly wrong
Malphilindo:Hell no UwU is so much better
The three:what
Eu:Why are they figthing
Nato: ...
Un:whats going on
ISIS:its about UwU vs OwO vs Lenny face
Nato,Eu,Un,: again
ISIS:you remember the plan right
Al:i know a face better than all of those
Al:I present my(Isis)creation
Cu:it must suck since you only got 70% at the big test
Malphilindo:*not saying anything since they got 50%)
Asean:thats rude but okay
Al:My invention the (O¿U)face
The tree: *staring at the invention like its precious*
Isis:see i told you
Al:fine you win
_______________________________________________________________So this was an actuall argument i had with my friends one time and we dont know what to do
Asean:still i like the OwO
Malphilindo:in the backround preparing to prank the boys
Cu:*eating noddles while wacthing tiktok*this is cringe
Al:*offended gasp*how could you watch that horrible thing
Isis:wait who is watching tiktoks
Apec*new*who said tiktok
Everyone:*gasp* tiktok
Cu:*getting insulted*hey i just watch them not make them
Asean;wait why does the Malphilindo have a tiktok
Malphilindo:*making tiktoks a while ago*
Malphilindo:we did it again sisters
Asean:i like food
Cu:who doesnt
Al:what how!!
Isis:cause we need it duh

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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