"Its 10:45 in two hours I'll be done messing with you for the night" he said. I wasn't able to think nor talk all i could concentrate on was hurting others but I couldn't control it. I sit here beating up my cousins crying while this stupid ass demon is laughing. I look at the ones I'm hurting and scream as loud as I could "STOP IT PLEASE I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!". I was finally able to stop. "Guess what" he said. "What" I said. "Its 12:30 I'm done messing with you" he said screaming. I screamed "so go to bed!". As my cousins and brothers and my mom look at me knowing it was my demons fault they looked at me and said goodnight. As I walked to my room I came to a stop. "Now what?" I asked. "You thought I was really going to go to bed knowing I didn't make you hurt yourself" he said with happiness. "Yes I did" I said with a tear falling from my eye. "Well you were wrong". He laughed "now go be a good ugly girl and go grab the blade". "NO!" I yelled. He took over my body once more and walked towards the knife cabinet. "You know why I like this time of day" he asked sarcastically. "Why" I asked. "Cause you don't have any control of what I do" he answered. As he forced my to grab the blade I walked in my room with it in my hand. Nobody saw me. Nobody came to check on me to see if I was ok or to see if the demon had stopped his mass of destruction. I sat on the floor and cut my arm over and over again. Then Lane ran in my room and took the knife. Before the demon could make me attack her she yelled "LISTEN!". I stopped and looked at her. She looked in my eyes and said the demon is still inside of you. She screamed out for Aiden and mark and two of my cousins. As they jumped me and had me pinned down I couldn't get up. I was shaking and screaming wishing they would get off me. They put towles over my arm that was bleeding and they said breath. I was starting to be able to keep calm then before I could turn my head to see what Mark had in his hand they put salt all over me. I was screaming louder then ever. Then I stopped the demon had fell asleep. I was so happy then I pasted out. "What happen!" Aiden screamed. Everyone was freaking out. Some thought I died but only one knew what was happening so he sat there and looked at me.