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Ariana Woods
Ari 💫

"I thought a bitch who weave feel like easter basket grass said sum" kevin said making a face leaning on the countertop

"Bitchh" i said covering my mouth to keep from laughing

"Kevin you outta pocket" yazz said before putting her head down
While Breasia sat their stuck on stupid

"I dont give a fuck what yall talking about go like my recent"  pie said coming into the kitchen

"Hoe nobody wanna like yo picture" kevin said playfully rolling his eyes

"Yurrr"kj said walking into the house

"Who invited this nigga"kevin said shaking his head

"Shut yo bitch ass up cause i know you said some" kj said slapping the barret kevin had on onto the floor

"You raggedy bitch" kevin said picking it up

"This bitch nice asf" kj said looking around the air bnb

"All the bitches finna be in this hoe" kari said nodding his head along with kj

"Find a good group of pretty looking bitches cause im not taking 1 for the team shit" quan said shaking his head

"Ironically bitches say the same about you" kj said sitting on a stool near the countertop

"Just go like my picture" pie said before walking back into the room


"He cute" breasia said pointing in a direction making me and yazz look too

"He aight" i said yelling over the music

And you tried to suck my dick, called me a liar
I don't give your ass no cash, I just get you high
You a Thotiana, huh?
How you a Barbie doll, bitch, you ain't got a car
And you be fuckin' for that cash, you ain't got it, huh? (You ain't got it, huh?)
You ain't got it, huh? (You ain't got it, huh?)
Bitch, you ain't got it, huh? (You ai

"Aye aye aye" kj hyped up while recording pie as she twerked on kb

Okey dokey

I fanned my face feeling myself get hot
"Aye im finna go get some to drink" i told yanni Who nodded her head

I made my way to the kitchen after dapping and hugging 20 different people

"Hot asab in this hoe" i mumbled walking in

I seen a boy with alot of hair and a big ass head trying to gain the attention of the people who were kissing on the fridge

"Excuse me" i spoke catching his and their attention

"My bad ari" the boy said

"You good" i said opening the fridge grabbing a sprite

"You want one" i asked the boy behind me

"Yea" He responded back

I handed him one and closed the fridge before leaning forward on the countertop and opening my pop

"Well look what the cat dragged in" amaya said walking into the kitchen

"Hoe go find you something better to do" i said waving her off

"Oma-" the girl spoke before her cut her off

"Do you wanna dance" he asked looking at me

"Okay" i said shrugging my shoulder
I grabbed his arm before leading him out the kitchen

"It was nice seeing you Amaya have fun enjoy the party" i said waving and taking him to the dance floor

Freak hoe by speaker knockers blasted through the speaker

I'mma throw this money like a free throw
You just keep on dancing, like a freak ho
Arch your back, put your hands on your knees ho

I started to throw it back on him but he couldn't keep up

"Thats my bitchh" i heard kevin yell as they made a circle around me

"Get it omar" a girl yelled

The boy held my waist as i started to slow whine on him

"Okay freind i see you" yazz said clapping her hands

Whats clapping all this ass

The song came to an end and i was going to turn around and speak to the boy when i was snatched up

Awl hell

"Fuck is you doing out here Ariana" von said yelling in my face over the music

"I dont think you understand the meaning of being single" i yelled once we made it outside

"So we break up and you start throwing yo ass on niggas at partys" he questioned

"I been single for a month dont try to make it seem like it was just yesterday" i said muggin him

"You onat hoe shit man" he said running a hand down his face

"You sound slow as fuck we both single soo have fun smoke drink do what you do fuck a few bitches for all i care" i said

"When i go fuck a bitch you gone be mad" he said

"Boy bye" i said rolling my eyes and walking back into the party

"I hate niggas" i mumbled walking up the steps

"Date a hood nigga they said it ah be fun they said" i mumbled opening the door

I walked past the living room and into the dining room i made eye contact with the boy from the kitchen and Everybody who was in his section was all in my face

"You good" yanni asked

"You seen me struggling and in captivity"
I said flicking her off

"Ah pussy hoe could nevaaaaa"
Kevin said shaking his ass

Breasia was behind him and pretended kevin stanked and held her nose

"See i would say some that would ruin ya relationship but the lord said let him handle it" kevin said turning around facing her

Yazz spit out her drink on the floor and started coughing

Ainttt shitt 😶

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