Come Home To Me

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It has been a long day, and all Nicole wanted to do was come home to her wife, her love, her baby none other than the lovely Mrs. Waverly Earp-Haught. They had been married for nearly a year, and it had been the best year of their lives. The curse was broken, Alice was back with Wynonna and a Doc, Waverly started working as a History Teacher at Purgatory High School, and everyone was as happy as could be. Well kind of happy, there was some stress with Waverly and Nicole.

Nicole looked up at the clock at the station, it reading 1:00 p.m. She hated how she was Sheriff but still had to baby her deputies, meaning she had to do most of their work. This puts her at a disadvantage because she gets less time with her wife, and lately she hasn't been getting enough time with her. There had been some tension in their lives due to the fact that Nicole and Waverly would work so much and they'd only see each other at 8:00 each night and they both would leave first thing in the morning.
Nicole missed her baby, and Waverly missed her as well. Nicole was interrupted in her thoughts by a notification on her phone.

W - "Babe, I miss you :( "

N - "I miss you too Waves."

W - "I took a sick leave from work today hoping I could spend some time with you. I need you Nicole. I need my wife with me."

N - "I know baby. I can't get off work. I'm Sheriff and these deputies are so lazy. I wish I could come home."

W - "Fine. This sucks."

N - "I know Waves. I'll try and be home as soon as I can."

8 hours later....

Nicole was still at the station. It was 8:00 in the night and she still had so much work to do. She just wanted to go home and cuddle with her love.

N - "Babe, I won't be home for another 2 hours."

W - "What? I thought your shift ended at 8:00?"

N- "It does, but there's still so much work to do hon."

W - "This always happens. I'm sick of it."

N - "Babe I'm sorry. I'll finish up and come home."

Nicole kept on checking her phone for a text from Waverly, but nothing came. She was worried. It was 10:32 when she finished all of her paperwork so she headed home.

Nicole's cruiser pulled up in the driveway of hers and Waverly's own place. She got out and closed the door and headed inside.

"Babe, I'm home." Nicole called out, anxious for a reply.

"In here Nicole." Waverly callee out from their living room. Her voice had a certain tone to it Nicole thought, it sounded like she was crying.

Nicole walked into the living room to a red eyed Waverly sitting on the couch, shaking and breathing uncontrollably.

"Wave! What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Nic. I'm tired of you always working late and that means we never have time for us. I can't even remember the last time you touched me, you held me, or we even went on a date. I need you, I need you now and forever."

"I'm here baby, always and forever. I'm sorry that we haven't had time for us. I promise it'll get better." Nicole said, trying to reassure Waverly.

"I'm tired of you saying things will get better!" Waverly yelled, getting up from the couch. "I'm tired of everything! You always apologize and promise me things but they never happen!"

"But Waverly I-"

Waverly started breaking down into more tears which turned into a nonstop sob.

"Nicole please, I can't do this right now."

"What about me?! I've been trying to earn for us so we can live a happy life, so we can try and start a family and still be stable financially!" Nicole said, starting to raise her voice.

"How can we live a happy life when we don't even spend much time with each other anymore? When we don't even touch each other as often anymore? When we don't even go out of the house together anymore?" Waverly said through sobs.

"Wave, baby. I love you more than any-"

"I've had enough Nicole! Don't bother trying to come to bed tonight." Waverly huffed, making her way to the stairs.

"Where am I supposed to sleep Wave?"

"On the damn couch!" Waverly yelled. "Goodnight Nicole."

Nicole heard their bedroom door slam shut. Tears were forming in her eyes. Soon after she started crying. Nicole rarely cried, but when it came to Waverly and their relationship, that was the most important thing in her life.
Nicole loves Waverly, but she didn't know what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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