I tried my best, I haven't done a lot of writing because of school, and I know it's my excuse every time, and I'm sorry. So I hope this is good! I did this during school.. Since, well, I'm allowed to go back to my school TuT
Reader and Yoshikage are around the same age! Reader being 32, but has an inner child in her she shows, just letting you know. ^^;;
Here's some hot Kira fanart I found for you lovely people! (PM me if you want the images)
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"It seems luck is on Yoshikage Kira's side after all.."
He glares down at the two bloody men and sighs. He shakes his head and turns around adjusting his crooked tie. Behind him, the bright pink cat like stand, Killer Queen, appears and within seconds of Killer Queen's right hand mimicking a detonator, the two men had disappeared, more or less, disintegrated.
He continues walking but looks down at his clock, it was 6.44pm, he was already late to returning home, those two fools had wasted his time when trying to mug him. He bit his lip, running his hand through his hair. Normally he was early, but he knew you'd give him a stern talking too about being safe, like you always did.
Yoshikage Kira is 33 years old. His house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and he's not married. He tends to be alone and isn't huge on parties his work place holds. Rarely going to karaoke parties his work mates throw. He always returns home.
Yet, he's always surprised that you happily greet him like any other day. The way you never seem to get tired of him, or the fact that you put up with him constantly. His daily struggles of trying to resist his urges for some woman's hands have ceased. Now that he had you, he never felt another one of those urges, although sometimes he'll want your hand to be his someday...
"Yn, I'm home."
He heard the sound of feet pitter pattering against the floor as he relaxed his shoulders, a small smile graced his face as you slammed the door open with a big grin on your face, "Yoshiiiii! Your back! I was so worried, you're a lot latter than usual!" You frowned and fake cried as you hugged him tightly.
He sighed softly and rubbed your hair, "Didn't I tell you not to call me Yoshi?" He asked softly, as much as he showed no emotion or empathy to others, you were different from the rest. You looked up, arms still wrapped right around his slim torso.
"But I don't wanna call you Kira! It's your last name and makes us feel distant... and Yoshikage Is reaaaally long! And besides! I always called you Yoshi as a kid!" You pouted childishly as he sighed. He didn't deny, you were quite the annoying brat at times, but that's what made you so precious and cute to him.
Though if it were anyone else he wouldn't hesitate to kill them.
He places his hands gently on your shoulders a gives a small push, signaling he wanted to go inside. You smiled softly and nodded letting him go by into the house you shared. You closed the door and walked after him.
You run in front and stopped him in his tracks. He said nothing but raised his eyebrow, you frowned and crossed your arms. "What?" "Don't 'what' me, Kira. Your limping slightly.. and your hands are somewhat scuffed... You know your supposed to tell me when you get hurt!" he sighed and looked off to the side before nodding slowly.
You grabbed a hold of his hand, a warm sensation of butterflies fluttered around in your stomach as you walked into the bathroom. He just stared down at your hand, a small smile on his lips. You turned around and pointed to the toilet.
He inaudibly groaned. "I'm not a dog..." He muttered distastefully but obediently sat down on the lid of the toilet. You giggled slightly and grabbed out the first aid kit from the cabinet before kneeling down in front of him.
"Sooo.. how did you get these marks anyway?"
He doesn't answer. How could he really explain to you about what happened? You weren't a stand user and you could lecture him if he said he was being mugged. You slightly frowned and stared at his hands as you lightly dabbed a cotton bud with rubbing alcohol on the wound.
You have known Yoshikage since his early childhood, sticking up for him when he was constantly bullied for his weird quiet like behavior. Even to this day, he doesn't talk too much, but you enjoy whatever you can with him.
Yet, he doesn't tell you too much of his day or what's happened, either staying silent or completely changing the subject.
He hisses slightly as you pressed a little too roughly to his skin. You flinched and pulled it back, looking up at him. "Yoshi, are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" He looked down at you, silently scanning your face before smiling slightly.
"No, you didn't. I'm alright, thank you."
Even though he didn't say it often, he truly was grateful to have someone like you in his life, even if you were only his childhood friend, he wouldn't have it any other way. You smiled happily and nodded, grabbing out the rolled gauze and wrapped his hands up carefully.
"There, now you just need to rest your hands for a bit.." You smiled at your handy work and looked up. He sighed softly and grabbed your hands causing you to look at him in confusion. He stayed silent and just brought them to his face, gently rubbing his cheek against the surface of your smooth skin.
He was almost like a cat, it was adorable at times. You smiled softly, you knew he had a hand fetish, but it's not the weirdest fetish in the world, or at least it didn't creep you out, you found it adorable how he'd paint your nails and make sure you look after your skin, it was sweet.
You gently ran your thumb over Yoshikage's bottom lip, he shivered slightly as his blue eyes stared into your eyes, you flashed a sweet smile and gently started to caress his cheeks, he sighed and closed his eyes, inaudibly purring.
"I might not understand what happened to you Yoshi.. but I'll always be here to fix you right up. Because I care for you."