A Fit Beginning

18 2 1

Luce 20, Spencer 31, Suzanna 22, Tak 14


The soft summer wind blows across the yellowed tall grass. The sun beating down on my head, making the heat stick to me along with my single layer of clothes.

"I hardly remember this." Suzanna aggressively swats the tall grass away with her hand, it coming back and hitting her leg in seconds.

"Mom was pregnant with you when I moved in with Sir Caveris." Spencer remarks in a monotone, moving gracefully through the grass, "She kept you here. I only heard that I had a baby sister when she came to visit me the last time, dad didn't come with."

The field obviously is familiar to Spencer and Suzanna, yet it isn't to me. Nothing about this small open field not far from Askon's capital, Arkyn, brings up any distant memories that could be unlocked from the sight of something familiar.

"You didn't grow up here?" I ask, not sure what our parents did for the ten year period where we were all born since I was the end of their relationship according to my mother.

Spencer shakes his head, his dark hair moving blowing gently in the warm summer breeze as it quickly becomes tangled. For the first time that I can remember, he isn't dressed up in his court clothes. Instead, he has a plain white shirt tucked into a black pair of pants, it makes him look someone I would find on the road. I think it was done intentionally since the fields towards the west are less traveled through since the road to Askon's western most city, Waddle, is far easier to travel.

Suzanna's light hair is taken by the wind and hits me in the face as well as it hits her in the face.

"Please do something with your hair." I complain.

"Oh shut up." She grows deeply annoyed.

She nearly trips over the skirt to her pale and faded red dress as the last word comes out of her mouth.

Neither Spencer or I try to catch her, we both stop and look at her.

Spencer is leading us both. I let Suzanna go ahead of me. It was easier knowing I didn't have her breathing down my neck the whole time about the way I walk or something stupid like that.

Spencer is a bit annoyed at me. I told him I was going to bring my sword regardless since a lot of bandits hide in the fields west and north west of Arkyn. Lots of falling apart abandoned farm houses to hide in and pick travelers of their coin purses and other goods very easily.

A falling down house stands alone in the field as the three of us stop to look at it.

"It's depressing." Suzanna remarks, putting her hands on her hips as she stares at the moss grown porch.

A few branches break in the Saidaria forest a ways back, Suzanna and Spencer don't notice. Tak, our youngest half sister, has been following us since we left Arkyn. Spencer told her to stay with Maester, the house butler. She obviously didn't listen and somehow got past him.

"What do you expect? Mom left over twenty years ago." I remind them, "Dad obviously didn't come back, he's dead."

"Why did you have bury her this far out?" Suzanna complains.

"Not like we could bury her with our family." Spencer makes a good point.

Suzanna scoffs at the comment, not wanting to admit she's wrong.

Our mother died a few weeks ago, Spencer and I made the tombstone after he showed me where the house was. Suzanna wanted nothing to do with it and Tak was a mess.

I believe Spencer's newest romantic endeavor helped him dig the grave. I offered but Spencer did make the point that mom and I's turbulent relationship would've made it feel wrong I was the one to help. He was mom's golden boy and Tak was her little girl. Suzanna and I were means to an end as far as her and Dad's relationship.

Suzanna grew up in the brothel in Arkyn, Spencer grew up in the nobility of Arkyn under our fathers surname, Tak grew up attached to the hip of our mother somewhere outside of the eastern city of Alyria, and I grew up in the mountains with the Dhori tribe. Somehow we all found each other, then we found our mother for the last few months of her life.

The three of us stand in the tall grass, staring at the house we were born in. Some of our parents' belongings still sit on the floor beneath the broken bed, the broken empty chest, and the fallen down wall. Nothing of value. Only broken plates, old blankets, and ruined books.

The breeze covers the silence between us as we look to see where our stories began, now where they have lined up.

"Hey!" Tak tells across the field causing all three of us to turn to see her.

She's holding her pale blue dress up as she runs through the field.

"Tak!" Spencer starts, surprised to see her.

Suzanna audibly shows her disgust.

"She was my mother too!" Tak yells at us, becoming more out of breath as a face of annoyance becomes more clear the closer she gets.

"But he wasn't your father." Suzanna doesn't hesitate to say.

"Suzanna." Spencer scowls.

Tak stops, looking at each one of us with disapproval, her off tone blue eyes to ours makes her stick out compared to the three of us. I will never point it out but I know eventually people will, probably Suzanna will in the near future.

"Go home." Spencer says nicely, "I told you I would take you out here later today."

"Get lost." Suzanna says rudely.

"I want to see her with the rest of you!" Tak stops in front of us, breathing heavily.

"Tak, please, I promised I would." Spencer tries to hide his annoyance.

"Just let her stay." I find myself sticking up for her, "Just let her see it now."

"She wasn't born here." Suzanna snaps back.

"So? She's still our sister, she's still our mother's child." I don't see her logic.

"She is our half sister, Luce, not our full sister."

"Still a Sigilius." Spencer turns back to look at the house.

"But not a Ralieu." Suzanna turns towards Spencer.

"What do you have to show to be either?" Spencer lets out his annoyance at our sister.

Suzanna's jaw locks up in anger as she turns back towards the house, ignoring Spencer.

Tak comes to stand to my right, between Suzanna and I.

"We finally all made it out here." Spencer says, the breeze ceasing for a second as he all stands facing the house.

All of us look at the regrowing grass and the grey slab of stone that Spencer and I made.

The last of the Sigilius royals is buried in front of the house her knight husband and her hid in and the house her heirs were born in.

In crude hand carved letters, the stone slab only reads Kathalyn. 

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