Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)

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POV Change

Narrator POV

Months have passed. Long enough for the Autumn to turn to Winter. Ruby left after the first snow fall. She was heading to Haven to help her uncle Qrow and do what she thought was right. Yang didn't leave with her, she refused to leave C's side, but Arsenic left and he took a familiar weapon with him, Mortifier. More months passed enough time for Winter to become Spring, and during that time C had to be taken care of by Yang and Tai although C found out if he was willing to exhaust most of his energy he could create a single limb for about an hour and he could change which one he used, but never could he have to at once. The limbs made using the restroom a lot easier. Although after his hour was up, C went back to being bedridden. Tai went and got him a wheelchair for Yang to take him around in, so he could get some sun. And despite having no limbs he still kept in shape by working out. He could only do sit-ups, but hey it's something. C also started growing a beard at some point and he would have Yang trim it down never letting it grow to much. Yang has been training with her dad in hopes of bettering her fighting style. She still somewhat blames herself for everything that happened. Now C is upstairs and Yang is fixing him some water. He never would really complain much, but Yang always likes to bring him something whenever she left the room. It made her feel like her being away was justified. Her dad walks up to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

Tai: Hey you sure you can take care of him by yourself for the next two days?

Yang: Yes dad. I'm not gonna let my boyfriend die.

Tai: I know that, but... I don't know. This mission has just got me stressed out.

Yang: I get it. You better go. You know how Miss Goodwitch hates people being late.

Tai: Yeah you're right. Alright I'll be back Monday, my little sunshine dragon.

He leaves the house and closes the door behind him. Yang walks upstairs and into her shared room with C. Tai let him sleep with Yang mostly because every time he would wake up Yang would always be in bed with him anyways. She sits down beside him and puts the water on the nightstand beside her. They sit in a comfortable silence with C's head on Yang's shoulder and her head on his. After a few minutes he hears Yang quietly crying.

C: Hey what's wrong?

Yang: This is all my fault. If I never would have rushed in you would be okay and none of this would have happened!

C looks at her and sighs

C: I wish I could wipe away your tears, Sunshine, but I can't. However I can show you something. A memory.

Yang puts a hand on his cheek and he shows her what his other self showed him. Once he is done she goes silent and looks down.

C: I knew the price of saving you and Arsenic, so the fact that I'm breathing is a win in my book.

Yang: I can't believe you would do that for me.

C: It's because I love you and I would do it again.

Yang gasps. After all this time that was the first time she ever heard him say those words, in fact it was the first time either of them have said it.

Yang: I love you too.

She captures his lips with hers which he returns. After they separate C leans down to Yang's neck and kisses it. Yang moans as he gently bites it. She feels up his chest and his abs through his shirt before gripping the bottom of it and slowly pulling it up and off of him. She leans in and whispers gently into his ear.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Where stories live. Discover now