Chapter 2

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The second he was inside and had closed the door behind him, it was like a spell had been broken and he realized the severity of what he had just done. 'Holy shit, I'm in someone else's house' he thought to himself, his blue and grey eyes widening as they took in his surroundings.

No one else seemed to be home, luckily, or he would have been in deep trouble. It was dark inside-the man hadn't left any lights on before he had left-so Shouto hoped no one passing by outside would be able to see him in here.

He crept silently away from the front door, body tense as he wandered into the first room. It was surprisingly neat and clean, something he wouldn't have expected based on the way the front door had been carelessly left open. There were a few framed pictures on the wall, a few with the blond and his parents, but mostly with friends.

He felt a smile appearing on his face despite himself as he looked intently at the pictures. Despite this guy's obvious attitude problems, he looked good when he was smiling (rather, smirking) in all the pictures, and Shouto suspected he might have a softer demeanor somewhere under all that explosive personality.

He kept walking into the next room: a pristine kitchen that had obviously been wiped down recently, or hadn't been used in forever. Shouto had never observed a stranger's life in this much depth, and it gave him a strange rush to feel like he was getting to know someone so intimately without ever meeting them face to face officially. He hesitantly reached for the smooth metal handle of a drawer, realizing after the fact that he was getting his fingerprints everywhere, but there was no going back now. And besides, it would only matter if he got caught, which he wouldn't.

He pulled it open quietly to reveal an array of cooking knives, all with varying sizes. "Geez," he muttered, shaking his head. He realized this guy had a lot of stuff, and Shouto wondered how the hell he was so well-off at his age. Shouto himself was only 22 and living in a crappy, rundown apartment (he had moved out as soon as possible to escape his family); meanwhile this guy was living in what he practically considered to be a mansion, and unless he had a baby face then Shouto figured they were relatively close in age.

He closed the drawer gently and stepped back, looking around once more. The kitchen windows overlooked the backyard, which sloped off steeply down to a small creek. Shouto was sure it looked gorgeous in the daytime, but right now with just the light of the moon it looked extremely creepy. He backed away and turned again, gasping loudly when he saw a dark figure crouched on the granite countertop.

He jumped back so fast his lower back hit the sharp edge of the counter and he swore loudly at the sharp jab of pain. "Oh my god..." he squinted in the dark, eyes adjusting enough finally to realize that it was just a cat, green eyes glinting and reflecting an eerie yellow as it watched him. "Are you gonna tell on me?" Shouto whispered to it, the left side of his mouth twitching as he smiled slightly. He had always been partial to cats, as long as they were cuddly and didn't look at him with a murderous expression like this one was.

"You two are just perfect for each other, huh?" He said in a soft voice, in reference to the cat and its owner. He approached tentatively, hand extended, hoping that he wouldn't get mauled. The cat's eyes were narrowed and its tail flicked back and forth irritably, not a good sign. Eventually Shouto reached the cat and gently ran his fingers over its sleek, black fur, sighing with relief as it purred softly.
"Good kitty," he said quietly, smiling to himself as he continued petting it. He was almost lost in a trance, forgetting that he was in a stranger's kitchen petting a stranger's cat. Eventually though, the cat got bored, as they always do, and leapt down silently from the counter, trotting back down the hall towards the front door.

Not knowing what else to do, Shouto followed after it, realizing that he should probably get the hell out before he got caught and trapped in here. He knew he did not want to be on this guy's bad side and breaking into his house was probably the fastest way to get there. He had his hand on the front doorknob and was about to head out when he saw the cat dart upstairs...and curiosity overtook him.

He sighed in disgust at himself and his stupidity, but he couldn't resist and turned to follow the cat, hurrying upstairs. The hallway was even darker than downstairs; all the doors were closed and there was only a singular window at the far end. Automatically he was drawn towards the light so he could see better, and he hurried down the hallway, where he noticed the cat was sitting outside of the last door on the left.

"Should we go in?" Shouto asked it with a small smile, as if it could answer back. It blinked up at him and licked a paw in response, which he took to mean 'yes,' so he quietly turned the handle and pushed the door open.

Of course it just had to be the master bedroom. Shouto looked around with widened eyes at the large bed which had been hastily made, the large, full-length mirror tilted against one wall, and the piles of folded clothes stacked on dressers and chairs. The cat meowed and leapt agilely onto the bed, curling up right on the pillow.

"You better not shed everywhere," Shouto scolded it, realizing a moment too late that it would be way too obvious the cat had been in here now if it wasn't allowed to be. "Dammit.." he muttered, shaking his head. "We have to go, come on," he gestured frantically, feeling so stupid for talking to an animal like this but hoping it understood somehow.

Now that it got it what it had wanted, however, its friendly demeanor had seemingly disappeared and it was right back to glaring at Shouto, definitely resembling its owner. "I can't leave you in here.." he mumbled as he shuffled across the thick carpeting to the cat, reaching for it. In response it hissed at him, tail twitching to and fro once again.

"Don't be like that, please," he shook his head, checking his phone and realizing much more time had passed than he thought. He swore once again and looked around for something to distract the cat enough to get it to leave without attacking him, and his eyes were drawn to the drawer of the nightstand.

'Might be something there...' Shouto thought, hastily pulling it open in search of something that would suffice to distract the cat. Instead, he found something entirely different.

Piles and piles of cash lined nearly every inch of the drawer—except for a small pistol resting neatly on top. "Shit..." his eyes widened, and he closed the drawer, realizing this guy probably meant big trouble. He had to get the hell out of here right now, cat or not. He started towards the bedroom door, flipping off the cat behind him out of annoyance, and started down the hallway towards the staircase.

And then the front door opened with a loud bang.

A/N: Hey everyone! The story is picking up a little bit more now and I'm super excited to see where it goes. As always, leave a comment if you've enjoyed it so far because it inspires me sooo much! I love you all so much.

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