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*3 months later*
You and Julian have been talking/ dating
You told him about your baby he was surprisingly cool with it
He help raise him like if that was his kid
Kairi helps too
Kairi talks to Alejandro sometimes
But mattia refuses to talk to him
Mattia has gotten himself into more trouble with gang shit
But he deals with it like nothing
Avian barely said he first word which was momma
Bianca is doing great in school
She made lots of new friends and even a little boyfriend
You and Julian still think she is to young but if she's happy then you guys guess it's ok
You and Julian haven't moved in together but sometimes he sleeps over
And he treats the kids as if they were his
You still miss mattia
But are slowly moving on
*thats it for catching up*
You needed to go to the store to buy things for avian
Y- kairi
K- yeah n/n (nick name)
Y- I'm going to the store can you watch Bianca k- yeah
Y- thanks do you want anything
K- just hot chips and a Arizona tea
B- sis I wanna go with you though
Y- it's just gonna be a quick run and if you want you can invite a friend but only if it's ok with kairi
B- fine but can you get me a big bag of chips and a bag of candy
Y- *laughs* no how about you share a bag with kairi and a small bag of candy
B- ugh fine
Y- ok I'm going to take avian
K- ok bye and don't forget my food!!!!
Y- you mean junk food
K- right
You grabbed avian's diaper bag and a bottle for on the way since the market it far from the house and you get your keys to your new range drover and your purse then lock the door
You open the car door and put avian in his car seat you lock him in and you make sure it locked in you give him his blanket and favorite stuffed animal you put everything in the car and then you drive to the market
*30 minutes later* ( I'm telling y'all that market is far😂)
You get out and grabbing your purse the diaper bag and you go to the back to get avian you grabbed the whole car seat and when you get in store you grab a cart and put the car seat on the top part of the cart and put your purse and diaper bag up there as well you walk to the snack area to get Kairi's and Bianca's stuff then avian starts crying
Y- awwww what's wrong mr.polibio

Mattia's pov
I heard my last name and i look to see a girl that looks familiar
M- excuse me
You look up and see mattia
Mattia pov
Omg that's y/n
Avian is still crying so you give him his bottle and he calms down then mattia walks closer to me
Y- look mattia I'm not in the mood to argue with you
M- yeah yeah ok but why did you call my last name
Y- no I didn't
You said looking down at avian you can feel Mattia's eyes look down to see what you are looking at and he looks shocked
M- um y/n
Y- ok nice seeing you
You grabbed the chips and candy and when you were putting them in the basket mattia grabs your wrist hard
Y- mattia
M- tell me the truth
Y- what truth
You try acting dumb but he catches on
M- I'm not stupid ! I know when your lying have you forgot we used to hook up
Y- no and I mean you are-
M- don't even finish that
Y- fine ok
M- tell me right now is he my kid!
You got startled when he yelled and so did avian Cause he started crying you got him out and held him
Y- shhhh it's ok baby it's ok mommy's here
He finally stopped crying and fell asleep so you put him back
Y- I fucking swear to god if you yell one more time I'm not telling you shit
M- fine just tell me Is he my kid
You just looked down silently
M- of course he is ! He looks just like me that's why you called my last name!
you heard him yell so you grabbed the cart and started walking away but mattia grabbed your arm
M- I'm sorry y/n please just tell me his name
you let out a sigh
Y- avian, mattia, polibio
M- y-y-you gave him my name for his middle name and my last name
Y- yes as much as it bothers me
M- thank you
Y- yup
M- do I get to see him
Y- no
M- why no he's my kid as much as he's yours
Y- you need to clean up your act I'm not dumb either
M- wdym
Y- drinking , smoking, new girls everyday, getting into worse and worse shit and most importantly stopped talking to kairi
M- wtf does kairi have to do with this
Y- maybe the fact he's avians god father
M- what?!
Y- look I'm sorry but I started raising my family different and better just clean up your act
M- still he has nothing to do with this
Y- yes he does because he is probably going to be the one dropping him off if anything
M- why can't you do it
Y- why! Maybe because I don't want to see your face it's to painful like I can't fucking act like I don't miss you everyday but at the same time I moved on and that's what I want to keep doing
M- wdym you moved on
Y- I mean I'm seeing someone else
M- I swear if he has been raising my son
Y- well then your right at least he helps even though it ain't his kid
M- I couldn't help I didn't know he was even mine!
Y- it's kinda obvious
M- how
Y- well I posted at picture the day I found out the gender and that was 5 months ago from when we had sex so you could've done the math
M- ig and how's Bianca
Y- besides asking for you everyday ig good she has a boyfriend and new friends so shes good
M- excuse me! A boyfriend! Nope! To young!
Y- it's not like she's your kid
M- yeah well maybe I love her like that ok damn! And maybe I love you still idk y/n!
And now I love him!
You just looked down
Y- I have to get going clean up your act
M- wait!
Y- what?
M- can I hold him please that's all I'm asking
Y- fine
You grab avian and he woke up so you gave him to mattia
M- I'm scared will I hurt him
Y- no just trust me
You put him in his arms you already saw the connection mattia had with the baby and he finally handed him back to you so you put him back in the car seat and gave him his Binky
Y- text me when your act is cleaned heres my number ***-***-***
M- ok bye
You walked off and continued shopping then went home
To be continued

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