Tilted Umbrella

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Hullo~ Sienna here. Long story short, I've been crazy about WinTeam for the past few weeks and wanted to translate a fanfic about them. I know I still got 1 untranslated chapter left for Snow Falls, I'll update it sometime in June (crossing my fingers). Hopefully, this small project can curb my longing while waiting for Long Khong and Hemp Rope. Since the length of each part is not too long, I'm aiming to update daily. Happy reading!


Thailand's rainy season is unpredictable. The weather might be sunny in the morning, but it could suddenly rain in the afternoon. When Win and Team went to campus on Win's motorcycle this morning, they didn't bring any rain gear. Hence, they had no choice but to borrow an umbrella from Dean and Pharm.

With a pensive look, Team watched the receding backs of the couple who walked closely side by side under one umbrella.

Win opened the borrowed umbrella and placed it above their heads. He then put an arm around Team's shoulder and said, "Let's go home."


The two people talked animatedly under the umbrella on their way home. All of a sudden, a car passed by, splashing a puddle of rainwater towards the sidewalk. Seeing that, Team quickly pulled Win's shoulder, "Hia, be careful!"

Wait, why is it cold?

Team looked at Win's right shoulder, a huge part of his shirt was drenched with rain. Meanwhile, Team's own clothes were dry, protected by Win's umbrella.

"Hia, you..."

"It's okay, I'm not cold." Win shrugged nonchalantly while hugging Team once again. He nudged Team forward and continued, "Come on. Let's go home."

"Okay, Hia" Team smiled and hurried his steps so they could reach home faster.

Despite the chilly weather, Team could feel a surge of warmth gushing from the bottom of his heart.


Thanks for reading and have a wonderful week. Stay healthy and take care!

Posted: 26 May 2020

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