five. i don't want you to die

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But you don't agree with this. Superpowers are cheesy and over-powered, perfect strengths to complement the human character, to reflect the bold nature of their users. They are produced in the most wild of circumstances, from radioactivity to biological serums to alien artefacts. They are these bonus aspects of a human that can be added willingly, and they are almost always useful. As if every superpower proved their superiority and glossed over the idea of human experimentation to achieve such far-fetched ideas.

Quirks, on the other hand, are mutations that rise one after another. They are already lurking with your body, entangled with the sequences of your DNA, and they wait to pounce! To manifest into the true horrors of humanity, to give rise to a new age of mankind and watch the old weak one fall in it's wake. They are unique, as if specially created, all widely different and useful in their own ways. But to you, Quirks are just one of the ways humanity has confirmed it's inevitable downfall. Because one way or another, the existence of Quirks is going to get people killed. And instead of giving way to the dawn of a superior race of humans, whatever divinity who hid behind the heavens from their terrible creation, had set off a ticking time bomb and drawn out the worst of mankind. Humans cannot resist the temptation to succumb to evil, because evil is a joy in their hearts that not even God can give to them. Or so, what you have learned.

Your Quirk, is one of a tricky nature. Most Quirks are defined and have their borders, their do's and can't's, but yours... your Quirk is one of the few rare gems of the world, wherein you can revel in the absence of the laws of nature, and the physics of the universe scientists have so finely created. Your Quirk can shatter the fabrics of reality in an instant and cause the biggest ethical problems of mankind. People think it's a pretty cool Quirk... you think it's pretty shitty.

Your Quirk is called Resurrection. And already explains enough... right?

The concept of resurrection is one of biblical nature, but also whispered in tales across history. Death is a masterpiece that reaps the lost withered souls of humanity, wherein all humans are slowly dying, marching towards their inevitable end no matter what. But you are stuck in the tangible physical world, yet your own soul is writhing and filled with the true horror and nature of death, because you know loss at this very moment and your Quirk forces you to know it more.

You can recall the dead, a powerful ability in some eyes because with enough time and mayhem, you could control both the living and the dead, slave away humanity. You could show the world that there is nothing to fear with death, to subvert it, to remove it as a natural part of life. You could, but you can't. Humans must always fear death because fearing the unknown is the only thing we have ever known. We blindly place our trust in things out of our control to remove blame from ourselves.

Resurrection does not have boundaries, which is what makes your Quirk undoubtedly scary.

You can bring back the dead but you can control them to your own will, to your own bidding. You could kill a villain and then bring them back only to have them wrapped around your finger. You don't have to control them, but it feels like a forced aspect of what you have been given.

The hospital is particularly quiet tonight, with a choking silence that engulfs the room. It's now or never, you think.

"Mum," You whisper quietly. She was drifting asleep but slowly murmurs in reply.

Her face looks more pale than the day before, and it is becoming harder to hide the fact she is truly dying.

"If — When you die," You begin shakily, your lips wobble as words come out, "Will you let me use my Quirk on you?"

It wasn't something that you two had ever openly discussed before, but seeing as she can barely hold on for the next couple of weeks, you felt it was now or never.

THE OTHER SIDE / s. todoroki  ✓Where stories live. Discover now