Hey guys!
If you all need a cover, please just read the rules below and fill out the questionnaire. Preferably inline because that's easier to view.
°•° R U L E S°•°
× Fill out the questionnaire given below without missing any questions.
× Please be patient and wait for your cover, it should be ready in two business days maximum.
× You have to give my account a shout-out in either the description of your book or one of the chapters.
× Your book must be published, even if it is one chapter.
× Tag three people at the end
× Username
× Book title
× Summary in six lines or less
× What do you want in the cover?
× Is the story published?
× Tags (three)
************** Submit here
Please don't steal any of these covers... If you want one, simply request for it and I'll make it for you. But with due credit.
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