The Day The Silence Started.

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I was 8 years old.
Charlie Stevens sat next to me.
"How come your always so quiet?" he asked so innocently.

I blinked.
Was he actually talking to me?
No one talks to me.
I pointed myself as if I were asking if he were talking to me.
He nodded.

"I- I wouldn't be s-so quiet i-if people a-ac- actually talked t-to me" I said stuttering over multiple words.

He stared at me for two whole minutes before bursting into a fit of laughter.
The whole class turned and looked at him.

"What are you? 4 years old? You can't even speak English!" he exclaimed as if it were an achievement.

The whole class giggled and laughed, I even saw Mrs. Hues let a small laugh escape her lips.

From that moment I vowed to never speak again.

I stood from my seat, glanced at Charlie and ran out of the class room. I sprinted through the hallways as fast as I could.

Before I knew it I was outside.
Had I actually left school?
How stupid could I be?
My collecting thoughts didn't stop me from running.

I looked down at wrist to see the numbers 2:17 flash on my watch.
An hour had passed since I ran out of the class room.
I looked a round at my surroundings.
Where was I ?

I walked into the tall grass on the side of the road. I carelessly plopped down, throwing my backpack to the ground next to me. I unzipped it and poured the contents out. I made a mental list of everything I had.

7 pencils
1 pen
A binder
A green, red, blue, purple and black marker
A turtle shaped eraser
3 rubber bands

Great. How was I supposed to survive with those dumb objects?

Truthfully I didn't want anyone to find me. I never wanted to go back to that class. I never wanted to see Charlie again. I know now that what I wanted then was a mistake.

I sat there in the grass for 3 hours before anyone found me. I was asked about a million questions. All of which I refused to answer. I vowed to never speak again and I was not about to break that vow.

The doctors thought I was in shock, unable to speak. The therapist thought I was just afraid the talk because I was made fun of for the way I talked. My parents thought that maybe I fell while running away. Somehow damaging something inside of me, making it impossible for me to speak.

They were all wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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