Chapter 3) The Festival

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The pair awoke in their tent goggily, to the sound of people cheering and light seeping into the tent through cracks and seams in the fabric. Alyssum opened her eyes slowly albeit grumpily due to all the commotion. Her father was the first to get up, as he always was, to open the tent up to keep an eye on their flower booth. There were so many people they filled up the street that laid empty last night without much room between. There were now  many more booths set up next to them, some selling crafts, others selling potions, some (few and far between) selling books. Education wasn’t highly valued in this kingdom and the select few treasured it outside their trade. Alysium tried to keep her circle of people of the smartest people in her class, it made her feel equal.
Being around anyone else just put her in a constant bad mood, she didn't have a need to be right, she had a need for everyone around her to be right. It came down to a trust in her heart. She believed in everyone's words, but once one had been proven wrong she was unsure of the rest of the words. She went to the booth, set up the flower pots on the shelves they had been placed in her meticulous arrangement she did every year. Starting her morning ritual with her flowers, providing magic and water to them to flourish, her father stopped her kindly.
"I can take care of that Aly" he spoke with a deep groggy voice, he wasn't fully awake and aware of the world yet.
"Are you sure I'm almost done" she countered his offer, she much preferred staying by all her plants.
"I heard the next to the crown will be in the festival today, you should see if you can get a glimpse of them and report back to me" he said happily
She scoffed "you sound like a leading Eagle." the booth went quiet other than her father's soft laughing exhale. She thought about it and her curiosity got the best of her, now she was wondering what the crown prince and the princess looked like, how they held themselves. 'How arrogant they must be' she thought to herself. She glanced over her and her father's table, reflecting.
"Yeah maybe I'll take a stroll around, but I won't stay away too long" she resigned to her father's request. He made a sound of acknowledgement as he had started to prune some unhealthy leaves on the older plants. 
"You know, me and your mother met at this festival so many years ago…." He said in a state of nostalgic reflection. He missed her greatly and not a day went by where her absence wasn't noticed by the two of them. Aly had no comment for that statement so she walked away from the booth and disappeared into the crowd.
There were so many people there she had bumped shoulders with a number of people within the first few minutes she was walking. She took notice of the many small booths set up just like hers. Except none sold plants as she did, her and her father were the best known florists in town and no one dared challenge their business. She wasn't well known enough for people to recognize her face, but only the family name. The small booths were mostly filled with jewelry and pottery. Some small toy tables were set up to attract kids, piled with stuffed plushies and wood carved dolls. She came across one shop that displayed animal taxidermy along with bones and oddities of that sort. It caught her eye and she looked closer. She had a few coins in her pocket in case she had wanted to purchase anything. She reached for a long dead lizard trapped in a transparent crystal to take a closer look.
Another hand went to reach for it as she had, but it was already in Allysiums hands. She looked at who the other hand belonged to and it was a well dressed young woman with pale blonde hair. She had these blue eyes that seemed almost unnaturally bright and colorful. She was dressed in a pale pink dress that had a certain grace to it. White lace fitted with the seams gave her a regal look. Her suspicions were raised of this new girl immediately.
"I'm sorry if you weren't to purchase this, may I see it next?" She asked politely with a flutter of her eyes as if she was giving a little puppy dog face. She had a companion that seemed to give off a brooding aura. He was dressed so dark compared to her and rolled his eyes as a response to her question to Alysium. They both matched each other in two aspects. Their Mannerisms and their piercing eyes. She handed the crystal over the the girl in pink, she didn't feel like fighting anyone over any item in these store fronts.
As the girl in pink examined the crystal she pulled out a fancy purse that jingled upon moving. "id like the buy this please" she said smoothly without making eye contact with the storekeep. She held out a golden piece and the storekeeps eyes lit up
"Oh no I can't ask that price-" the old woman said with a worried undertone.
"Here you go have a wonderful day madam" the blonde girl said and dropped the coin leaving no room for discussion. Then with the same movement she placed the lizard crystal in Alysiums hands, and strode off with her tall and dark counterpart.
Alysium jogged after them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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