~Chapter 1~

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Steven POV
Ugh. Another say of living. God. I'm happy that Jessica and Anthony broke up. But Anthony... I haven't seen him so depressed. I'm leaving soon. Ding, Ding! I peaked out of my room. Someone was at the door. Weird, I wasn't expecting anyone. I slowly walked to the door. I looked out the peep hole. It was my... Father? I opened the door. He punched me in my face. "You know? You disapoint me you gay fag! Your mother spent all her time with an asshole like you and actuly loved you! You were a fucking accendent!" He yelled. "Why the hell did you come here?! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE! GO FUCKING DIE!" I yelled. I slammed the door. I ran to my room. Why? Why did my mother have to die when I was only 6? My dad is abusive son of a bitch. I looked at the peak hole again. He is gone. I ran out of my room and into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. I bent down and reached into the bottom drawer. I pulled out a small but sharp blade. I sat down. I started cutting. Hot tears rolled down my face. About 2 minutes later my phone started to ring. It was anthony. I stopped. I cleared my throat. "Hell-Hello?" I said. "Hey Steven... Are you going to be here soon? I'm... Lonly." He said. I cleared my throat again. "Yes,Ii'll be there tomorrow." I said. "Okay... Steven are you okay?" He asked. I went silent. "Could you come tonight?" He asked. "Sure, since I'll be driving." I said. I stood up. Blood was dripping everywhere. I put some bandage wrap around it and put my sleve over it. I bent down and picked up the knife and put it in the sink. I turned the water on the started to clean it. Once washed I dried it, then put it back in the bottom drawer. I left the bathroom and turned off the light. I walked into my room and grabbed both of my suitcases. I carried them out to the car. I popped the trunk open and put them both in there. I walked back into my house. I got everything I need. I went to the electricity box and turned off everything. Nothing is running. I exit my house and locked the door. I open the the driver door. I got in and started to back out of the drive way. Well. Here comes the long drive.

After the long ride

Ugh. Driving with morans on the road suck shit. I got out of the car and shut the door. I popped open the trunkand grabbed my suitcases. I went to Anthony's front door and knocked. I heard footsteps. The door swung open as Anthony appeard before me. God damn. He is hot. His cute curles. His olive tone skin. God why can't he just be mine already? "Buddy! Your here." He said with a weak smile. "Hey man." I said. We gave each other a bro hug. He invited me inside. I walked in. "Here, I'll put your bags in my room. I hope you don't mind but I don't have a spare bedroom. Do you want the bed? I can have the floor." He said. "Nah, its your room. You can have the bed." I said. He needs it the most. "Hey Steven, why is your eye purple?" He asked. Shit... My dad. "Um, I don't know." I said. Stupid. He isn't going to buy that! He came closer. His lips are super close and easy to just... Kiss. He put his hand around ny eye and started to inspect it. I turned away. I could tell he was putting the puzzle pieces together. "It was your father... Wasn't it?" He question. My throat started to close. Hot, steamy tears rolled down my face. Anthony turned me around. "Steven... I'm so sorry." He said. "No, don't Anthony... I came here for you. To help you with your break up with Jess." I said. Anthony hugged me. He large, warm arms embraced my small, cold body. I put my head on his right shoulder. He put his head on my head. We broke apart after 5 minutes. "Hey, why don't we watch a movie?" Anthony said. "Lego movie?" I said with a smile. "Haha, sure! I'll make some popcorn." He said. I put my arms up to stretch when my sleve cane down. Anthony looked at the bandage. "Steven..." Anthony said worried.

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