The Start

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*Disclaimer*: Y/N means, your name. And Y/L/N means your last name.

'Hurry up!' Your mom yells from downstairs. 'Your going to be late!' 'I'm coming!' You say. You grab your backpack and run downstairs. 'Goodmorning mom.' 'Hey, goodmorning Y/N! Do you want some toast?' 'Yes please.' You anwser. After you had breakfast you put on your jacket and pack your bag. 'Do you want me to drive you?' Your mom asks. 'No thanks I'm allright. I'll go by bus.' 'You sure?' 'Yeah I'm sure. Leia is taking the bus as well.' Leia has been your best friend since you were both four years old. Your dads work together so when your dad had to move to Chicago so did Leia's dad. The two of you are inceperateble so you were glad you could still be together.

The door bell rings. 'That must be her!' You say. 'Bye!'You give your mom a quick kiss on the cheek and open the door. 'Heyy.' Leia says. 'Goodmorning.' You smile. 'You  ready?' Leia asks. 'Always.' You close the door behind you. Just as you step on the street a yellow bus passes by. 'Shit!' You say. 'The schoolbus.' Leia and you run. You reach the bus stop just in time. A few seconds after Leia and you get on the bus the it leaves. 'Phew. That was close!' Leia says gasping for air. She was never the most sporty person. 'Yes indeed.' You say also catching your breath. You both laugh and sit down.

After about 20 minutes you reach your new high school: Main East. You leave the bus. 'Are you nervous?' Leia asks. 'Yeah a little.' You admit. 'You?' 'Not really. I have you.' You laugh. 'Thats right. You always do. Now lets find our lockers.'

You walk down the hall. There are students everywhere.  'Hey Y/N, here they are.' Leia points to the right. 'What are our number again?' You ask. You always forget stuff like that. 'You have 2187 and I have 2188.' She says. 'Ah right. Thanks!' You open your locker and put some books in it. The first hour is English. Your favorite subject. You look around the hall. You catch a guy's eye on the other side. He winks. You give him a small smile. You turn to Leia. 'Come lets go to class.' 'Yeah, you go first. I need to go to the bathroom. Spare me a seat beside you!' 'Oh yes sure,I will. See ya!' You walk away.

Just when you enter the classroom you bump into someone. You drop your books 'Hey watch it!' You hear the guy say. You look down embaressed and pick up you books. 'I-I'm sorry.' You say. The guy helps you with your books. You look up the same time as him. 'No its okay. I'm sorry I yelled.Your one of the new kids right?' He says. You study his face. Its the same guy who winked at you earlier. He has light brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He's wearing a red shirt not all buttoned and blue jeans. You have to admit he's goodlooking.  'Yes, I'm Y/N Y/L/N.' 'Y/N, pretty name.' He says.  You blush and smile. 'I'm Harrison.' He says 'Harrison who?' You asks. He smirks but doesn't say anything. 'Okay fair enough.' You say raising your eyebrow playfully 'Mysteryguy it is then.' 'Nice to meet you.' You sit down near the window. Harrison sits down  the other side of the classroom besides one of his friends.  Just as Leia sits beside you the lesson starts.

During class you see Harrison staring at you a couple of times. You smile. 'Hey.' Leia whispers. 'Who is that hottie staring at you.' 'Thats Harrison.' You say also whispering. 'Do you know him?' She asks. 'I bumped into him earlier. He helped me pick up my books.' Leia gives you a playful look. 'What?' You say. 'That sounds like one of those movie clichés.' Leia says. You both laugh. A little too loud. 'What's so funny?' Your English teacher miss Mulders asks. 'Nothing, miss.' Leia says. 'Hmm.' the teacher continues the lesson. You grin and continue working.

Authors note.
I hope you like it! Please vote and comment. Aslo see what I did there. Leia.For all the Star Wars fans.😉

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