I'm so dead!

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Henrys pov.

I quickly ran out the house and locked the door. 'How could i forget?!', 'i can't be late today, it's the weekend and that means extra many kids coming!' i thought to myself while starting up my car. 'William is gonna be pissed!'. I started to drive down the road, at this point i should atleast have passed three speed limits. The radio started playing some old music, i turned it off. I couldn't get myself to listen to some "relaxing" music while being in such a rush. I turned down the road and headed towards the diner. I quickly parked my car and checked my watch, ' oh nononono, i'm so dead' i thought and rushed to the door. I nearly slammed the door while rushing inside.

I rushed to my office door and hoped for dear life that William wouldn't notice me being late. But no that wasn't the case, cause' when i closed the door behind me i noticed William sitting in my chair looking at me and started laughing. I made a confused face while i was trying to catch my breath. William looked at me with a big smile on his face, then he started laughing again. "w-what is it?" i asked while cathing my breath. William stopped laughing but still giggled, "why are you laughing William?" i asked him again a little bit more annoyed.

He stopped laughing and looked me in the eyes "Henry?" he asked. "Y-yes?" i answered, "what day is it?" he asked me. "u-uh, sunday?" i answered him confused then it hit me. I froze, William started laughing at me again while i was just standing. "Now, do you see why i'm laughing?" he asked me again while he got up from the chair. "Henry, how did you forget?" he asked me while i was just there standing with a look on my face, "i-i have no idea William" i started while William smiled at me, "aaand~" he said. "OMG how can i be so stupid!" i suddenly bursted out. William started laughing again. "I thought i was gonna die!" i said, William laughed "I mean if it was a normal work day i probaly would have killed you" he said.

"I mean-You know what i even wrote it down on a paper and placed it on my desk!" i said while feeling dumb. 'Obs.! Sunday this weekend the diner is closed down' i said, "Wow you really are stupid" William said while walking to the door. "Well have fun cleaning your mess up Hen (Henrys nickname)" William said while walking out the door. "mm" i simply answered. This is gonna be a long day, i told myself.

*Time skip to when it's afternoon*

Still Henrys pov.

I walked to the stage and took a look at everything to make sure that everything was fine. I started fixing a broken light when William walked over to me. "Hey Henry" he said, i looked up at answered him simply back with a 'hey', "i was thinking about something earlier" he started. "What about you come to my place after were done today and you know just eat some dinner" he said kinda shy. I stopped working on the light and looked up to him, "yeah sure, why not?" i answered him while giving him a smile. "o-ok!" he said, "that was all" he said while walking back to his office. I couldn't help but notice a very faint red on his cheek. I didn't think much of it and continued.

An houer later we were both done and putting on our jakcets while talking about some of the lawsuits William looked at today. "I dont get it, it's not my problem that the kid was stupid enough to go backstage and notice our worker take the head off!" he told me, i laughed and opened the door. William turned off the lights and locked the door. "Did you drive?" i asked him, "yeah, why?" he asked me. "Oh i just wanted to know if i had to let my car stay, looks like that's gonna be the case' i answered. "mm" he replied and unlocked his car. I got in the passenger seat while William sat in the drivers seat. He started up the car and started driving to his house, "so Henry, how did it go with the food yesterday?" he asked me. "oh um, about that" i started while laughing a little. "I kinda burned it cause' i wasn't paying attention" i told him while having a small laugh. "classic Henry" he said while giving a small giggle and smile. The rest of the drive we talked about stuff and then suddenly we were at Williams house. He got out and opened my door for me. I giggled and pushed him playfully on the arm while walking out. We came inside and i sat down at the kitchen table while William started making something.

*Time skip to when they are done eating*

Me and William was finishing up washing the dishes, while we were joking and laughing. At the time we were done i noticed that it was getting late. "I might have to leave now William, we do have work tommorow" i told him, "yeah your right" he said. "Need a drive home?" he asked med, "yeah, that would be nice" i answered him. We walked out to the car and hopped in, William started driving. I yawned and noticed how tired i really was, William noticed the yawn "you tired?" he asked me. "Yes very, it's been a long day" i said while rubbing my eye. William turned down my road and parked outside my house. "Thanks for the drive William" i said, "your welcome hen" he asnwered. I walked out the car and gave William a last wawe before walking inside my house I Walked to my Living room and looked outsider the window without turning the lights on. I just wanted to make sure that William was ok and driving off safe, thats not weird right?

William was still there, mayby he just needed to umm...check something? Then i noticed him turning his head towards the House one more time, and drove off.
I sighed and noticed my cheeks feeling a little warm. I didnt think about it and headed towards my bedroom.
I fell asleep quickly.

A/n: wow i cant believe i actaully finished the first chapter! Thanks for reading this chapter i guess ❤️

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